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  • Issues and Trends in Nusring 2e
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Issues and Trends in Nusring 2e > 외국도서

Issues and Trends in Nusring 2e 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Roux

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 65,000원
판매가격 61,800원
출판사 Jones & Bartlett
ISBN 9781284104899
페이지558 pages
언어 ENG
국가 USA
무게 879g
원산지 USA
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Issues and Trends in Nusring 2e
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools. Issues and Trends in Nursing: Practice, Policy and Leadership, Second Edition focuses on teaching nursing students how to navigate the nurse-patient relationship including political policy, professional organizations, performance outcomes, emergency preparedness, safety, and global health issues. The text is written by expert authors that represent a variety of perspectives including educators, administrators, and researchers from diverse regions of the U.S.

    The Second Edition has been completely revised to include comprehensive coverage of current issues and trends in nursing and healthcare. The text also provides a wealth of resources to help prepare students for practice in nursing. New to the Second Edition:Updated coverage of current issues in nursingNew content on health information technologyCoverage of genetics and lifestyle options to be a healthy nurseNavigate 2 Advantage Access 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    UnitI The Nursing Profession
    Chapter1 History of Nursing
    Chapter2 Nursing Education: Past, Present, Future
    Chapter3 Nursing Licensure and Certification
    Chapter4 Understanding the NCLEX-RN
    Chapter5 Professional Nursing Organziations
    Chapter6 Transitions in Nursing: Future of Nursing and Transition to Practice
    Chapter7 Interprofessional Issues: Collaboration and Collegiality
    UnitII The Environment and Nursing Practice
    Chapter8 The Culture of Safety
    Chapter9 Quality and Performance Outcomes in Healthcare Systems
    Chapter10 Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
    Chapter11 Nursing and Disaster Preparedness
    Chapter12 The Healthy Nurse: Finding the Balance
    UnitIII The Person in Health Care
    Chapter13 Addressing Primary Prevention and Education in Vulnerable Populations
    Chapter14 Cultural Diversity and Care
    Chapter15 Ethical Decision Making and Moral Choices: A Foundation for Nursing Practice
    Chapter16 Legal Issues in Nursing
    Chapter17 Health Care Policy and Advocacy
    UnitIV Health and Nursing Issues
    Chapter18 Rural and Urban Healthcare Issues
    Chapter19 Nursing in the Global Health Community
    Chapter20 Informatics and Healthcare Technology: Role of Informatics to and for Nursing
    Chapter21 Understanding Genetics and Genomics Nursing Competencies 

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선택된 옵션

  • Issues and Trends in Nusring 2e
