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  • Introduction to Health Research Methods 2e
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Introduction to Health Research Methods 2e > 외국도서

Introduction to Health Research Methods 2e 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Jacobsen

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 89,000원
판매가격 84,600원
출판사 Jones & Bartlett
ISBN 9781284094381
페이지376 pages
언어 ENG
국가 USA
무게 510g
원산지 USA
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Introduction to Health Research Methods 2e
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    This clear, practical, and straightforward text demystifies the research process and empowers students and other new investigators to conduct their own original research projects. In five sections, Introduction to Health Research Methods describes the entire research process beginning with the identification of a research question and the selection of a study approach, proceeding through the collection and analysis of data and the preparation of a formal scientific report, and ending with academic and professional presentations and publishing. By breaking down the process into manageable steps, Introduction to Health Research Methods communicates the excitement and importance of health research-and encourages readers to make their own contribution to improving the health of individuals and communities through research.

    The Second Edition is a thorough update that offers:* A new chapter on mentorship and other professional development opportunities * A new chapter on grant writing with sections on funding sources, finding grant opportunities, proposal writing, budgeting, and grant management* A new chapter introducing several analysis tools that move beyond standard biostatistical techniques such as GIS, mathematical modeling, and economic analysis * A comprehensive walk through of successful writing strategies with dozens of ideas for how to get started on writing and stay motivated* New information on qualitative studies including interviewing, focus group discussions, coding and analysis, mixed methods research, and monitoring and evaluation 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    A HeadAbout the Author
    A HeadWhat's New to the Second Edition?
    Chapter1 The Health Research Process
    B HeadSTEP 1 Identifying a Study Question
    Chapter2 Selecting a General Topic
    Chapter3 Reviewing the Literature
    Chapter4 Focusing the Research Question
    Chapter5 Collaboration and Mentorship
    Chapter6 Coauthoring
    B HeadSTEP 2 Selecting a Study Approach
    Chapter7 Overview of Study Designs
    Chapter8 Case Series
    Chapter9 Cross-Sectional Surveys
    Chapter10 Case-Control Studies
    Chapter11 Cohort Studies
    Chapter12 Experimental Studies
    Chapter13 Qualitative Studies
    Chapter14 Correlational (Ecological) Studies
    B HeadSTEP 3 Designing the Study and Collecting Data
    Chapter15 Research Protocols
    Chapter16 Population Sampling
    Chapter17 Sample Size Estimation
    Chapter18 Questionnaire Development
    Chapter19 Surveys and Interviews
    Chapter20 Additional Assessments
    Chapter21 Secondary Analyses
    Chapter22 Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
    Chapter23 Ethical Considerations
    Chapter24 Ethical Review and Approval
    Chapter25 Writing Grant Proposals
    B HeadSTEP 4 Analyzing Data
    Chapter26 Data Management
    Chapter27 Descriptive Statistics
    Chapter28 Comparative Statistics
    Chapter29 Regression Analysis
    Chapter30 Additional Analysis Tools
    B HeadSTEP 5 Analyzing Data
    Chapter31 Posters and Presentations
    Chapter32 Article Structure
    Chapter33 Citing
    Chapter34 Critical Editing
    Chapter35 Writing Success Strategies
    Chapter36 Reasons to Publish
    Chapter37 Selecting Target Journals
    Chapter38 Manuscript Submission
    Chapter39 Review, Resubmission, and Publication 

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선택된 옵션

  • Introduction to Health Research Methods 2e
