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  • Worldviews: An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science (3ed)
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Worldviews: An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science (3ed) > 외국도서

Worldviews: An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science (3ed) 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : DeWitt, Richard

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 42,000원
판매가격 39,900원
출판사 Wiley
ISBN 9781119118893
페이지384 pages
크기 172 x 242 x 24 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 662g
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Worldviews: An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science (3ed)
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Winner of the 2018 Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Title!PRAISE FOR PREVIOUS EDITIONS "This is a brilliantly clear introduction (and indeed reframing) of the history and philosophy of science in terms of worldviews and their elements.... In addition, the book is incredibly well-informed from both a scientific and philosophical angle. Highly recommended."Scientific and Medical Network "Unlike many other introductions to philosophy of science, DeWitt's book is at once historically informative and philosophically thorough and rigorous.

    Chapter notes, suggested readings, and references enhance its value."Choice "Written in clear and comprehensible prose and supplemented by effective diagrams and examples, Worldviews is an ideal text for anyone new to the history and philosophy of science. As the reader will come to find out, DeWitt is a gifted writer with the unique ability to break down complex and technical concepts into digestible parts, making Worldviews a welcoming and not overwhelming book for the introductory reader."History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, vol. 28(2) Now in its third edition, Worldviews: An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science strengthens its reputation as the most accessible and teachable introduction to the history and philosophy of science on the market.

    Geared toward engaging undergraduates and those approaching the history and philosophy of science for the first time, this intellectually-provocative volume takes advantage of its author's extensive teaching experience, parsing complex ideas using straightforward and sensible examples drawn from the physical sciences. Building on the foundations which earned the book its critical acclaim, author Richard DeWitt considers fundamental issues in the philosophy of science through the historical worldviews that influenced them, charting the evolution of Western science through the rise and fall of dominant systems of thought. Chapters have been updated to include discussion of recent findings in quantum theory, general relativity, and evolutionary theory, and two new chapters exclusive to the third edition enrich its engagement with radical developments in contemporary science.

    At a time in modern history when the nature of truth, fact, and reality seem increasingly controversial, the third edition of Worldviews presents complex concepts with clarity and verve, and prepares inquisitive minds to engage critically with some of the most exciting questions in the philosophy of science. 

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선택된 옵션

  • Worldviews: An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science (3ed)
