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Sociology > TextBook

Sociology 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Anthony Giddens

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 59,000원
판매가격 56,000원
출판사 John Wiley & Sons Inc
ISBN 9781509539222
크기 197 x 262 x 53 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United States
무게 2658g
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Sociology
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Over a million copies sold worldwideThe indispensable guide to understanding the world we make and the lives we lead. This thoroughly revised and updated ninth edition remains unrivalled in its vibrant, engaging and authoritative introduction to sociology. The authors provide a commanding overview of the latest global developments and new ideas in this fascinating subject.

    Classic debates are also given careful coverage, with even the most complex ideas explained in a straightforward way. Written in a fluent, easy-to-follow style, the book manages to be intellectually rigorous but still very accessible. With a strong focus on interactive pedagogy, it aims to engage and excite readers, helping them to see the enduring value of thinking sociologically.

    The ninth edition includes: a solid foundation in the basics of sociology: its purpose, methodology and theories;up-to-the-minute overviews of key topics in social life, from gender, personal life and poverty, to globalization, the media and politics;stimulating examples of what sociology has to say about key issues in our contemporary world, such as climate change, growing inequality and rising polarization in societies across the world;a strong focus on global connections and the ways that digital technologies are radically transforming our lives;quality pedagogical features, such as ‘Classic Studies’ and ‘Global Society’ boxes, and ‘Thinking Critically’ reflection points, as well as end-of-chapter activities inviting readers to engage with popular culture and original research articles to gather sociological insights. The ninth edition sets the standard for introductory sociology in a complex world. It is the ideal teaching text for first-year university and college courses, and will help to inspire a new generation of sociologists.

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  • Sociology
