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  • J.J. Pizzuto's Fabric Science : Bundle Book + Studio Access Card
    J.J. Pizzu 138,000
J.J. Pizzuto's Fabric Science : Bundle Book + Studio Access Card > SUNY Korea

J.J. Pizzuto's Fabric Science : Bundle Book + Studio Access Card 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Ajoy K. Sarkar

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 153,000원
판매가격 138,000원
출판사 Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN 9781501367878
크기 264 x 293 x 53 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 1824g
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • J.J. Pizzuto's Fabric Science : Bundle Book + Studio Access Card
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    The twelfth edition of J.J. Pizzuto's Fabric Science provides the most current and comprehensive overview and introduction to the textile industry--from fibers and finishes to applications in fashion design, fashion business, fashion merchandising, apparel product development, textile production management, and interior design. With an increased emphasis on textile sustainability, this best-selling book continues to meet the needs of both students and professionals in the textile, fashion, and related industries.

    Based on their combined experience in both education and the industry, the authors provide readers with a comprehensive text about the design, structure, and application of textiles. The range of information is broad and deep, and includes basic fiber chemistry, fiber innovations, the fabrication of fabrics, quality assurance, and laws that regulate textiles; updated topics include bio-based fibers, circularity and sustainability, wearable textiles, and revised and updated chapters on fibers, yarns, non-wovens, dyeing, printing, and finishing. The authors also provide readers with information regarding textile-related trade and professional associations and career opportunities in design, production, marketing, merchandising, apparel, and home products.

    STUDIO Features Include:- Study smarter with self-quizzes featuring scored results and personalized study tips- Review concepts with flashcards of terms and definitions and image identification- Watch videos that bring chapter topics and concepts to life Instructor Resources- Instructor's Guide with teaching suggestions, activities, lecture notes, and a guide to Swatch Kit assignments- Test Bank with over 600 multiple choice, short answer, and true or false questions- PowerPoint (R) presentations include full-color images from the book and provide a framework for lecture and discussion 

    상품 정보 고시

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    Table of Contents

    1 The Textile Industry
    2 Fiber Characteristics
    3 Natural and Manufactured Fibers
    4 Yarns and Sewing Threads
    5 Woven Fabrics
    6 Knitted Fabrics
    7 Nonwovens and Other Textile Materials
    8 Textile Dyeing
    9 Textile Printing
    10 Textile Finishing
    11 Textiles and the Environment
    12 Care and Renovation of Textiles
    13 Performance, Technical, and Smart Textiles
    14 Interiors and Home Textiles
    15 Determining Fabric Quality
    16 Textiles Laws, Regulations, and Trade Agreements
    Textile Trade and Professional Associations
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선택된 옵션

  • J.J. Pizzuto's Fabric Science : Bundle Book + Studio Access Card
