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Novick & Morrow's Public Health Administration: Principles for Population-Based Management 4e > 외국도서

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  • Novick & Morrow's Public Health Administration: Principles for Population-Based Management 4e
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Novick & Morrow's Public Health Administration: Principles for Population-Based Management 4e > 외국도서

Novick & Morrow's Public Health Administration: Principles for Population-Based Management 4e 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Leiyu Shi

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 145,000원
판매가격 137,700원
출판사 Jones & Barlett Learning
ISBN 9781284195507
언어 ENG
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Novick & Morrow's Public Health Administration: Principles for Population-Based Management 4e
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Under the direction of lead editors, Leiyu Shi and James A. Johnson, the Fourth Edition of Public Health Administration: Principles for Population-Based Management examines the many events, advances, and challenges - including the COVID-19 pandemic - in the United States and the world since the publication of the prior edition. With contributions from experts in areas ranging from workforce to community-based prevention to emergency preparedness, this timely and thorough revision offers detailed, comprehensive coverage of current, relevant issues for students as well as practicing public health administrators.

    This edition also addresses new perspectives of evidence-based public health, systems thinking, accountable care organizations, social entrepreneurship, integrated information management, disaster preparedness and response, and social media. Key Features:- Coverage of COVID-19 in select chapters (1, 4, and 27)- New chapter on Systems Thinking for Public Health- Streamlined chapters feature the addition of chapter objectives, more graphics, practitioners interviews, and chapter discussion questions. - Enhanced and expanded coverage on public health information, evaluation, and preparedness.

    - Exploration of new perspectives in the field through the lens of the CEPH competencies, including evidence-based public health; systems thinking; as well as accountable care organizations; social entrepreneurship- Accompanied by a complete package of Instructor Materials: TestBank, Instructor's Manual, and PowerPoint slides.

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선택된 옵션

  • Novick & Morrow's Public Health Administration: Principles for Population-Based Management 4e
