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  • Cryptoassets: Legal, Regulatory, and Monetary Perspectives
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Cryptoassets: Legal, Regulatory, and Monetary Perspectives > 외국도서

Cryptoassets: Legal, Regulatory, and Monetary Perspectives 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Chris Brummer

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 49,000원
판매가격 46,600원
출판사 Oxford
ISBN 9780190077327
페이지432 pages
크기 225 x 235 x 22 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 USA
무게 636g
원산지 USA
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Cryptoassets: Legal, Regulatory, and Monetary Perspectives
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Cryptoassets represent one of the most high profile financial products in the world, and fastest growing financial products in history. From Bitcoin, Etherium and Ripple's XRP-so called "utility tokens" used to access financial services-to initial coin offerings that in 2017 rivalled venture capital in money raised for startups, with an estimated $5.6 billion (USD) raised worldwide across 435 ICOs. All the while, technologists have hailed the underlying blockchaintechnology for these assets as potentially game changing applications for financial payments and record-keeping.

    At the same time, cryptoassets have produced considerable controversy. Many have turned out to be lacklustre investments for investors. Others, especially ICOs, have also attracted noticeable fraud, failing firms, and alarming lapses in information-sharing with investors.

    Consequently, many commentators around the world have pressed that ICO tokens be considered securities, and that concomitant registration and disclosure requirements attach to their sales to the public. This volume assembles an impressive group of scholars, businesspersons and regulators to collectively write on cryptoassets. This volume represents perspectives from across the regulatory ecosystem, and includes technologists, venture capitalists, scholars, and practitioners in securities law and central banking. 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    1. Introduction
    Chris Brummer

    2. Cryptocurrencies and the Evolution of Banking, Money and Payments
    Benjamin Geva

    3. Deconstructing 'Decentralization': Exploring the Core Claim of Crypto Systems
    Angela Walch

    4. Cryptoasset Valuation: Theory and Practice
    Nic Carter

    5. Towards a Stable Tokenized Medium of Exchange
    Alexander Lipton

    6. The Law and Finance of Initial Coin Offerings
    Aurelio Gurrea-Martínez and Nydia Remolina León,

    7. What Should Be Disclosed in an Initial Coin Offering?
    Chris Brummer, Trevor I. Kiviat, and Jai Massari

    8. Blockchains and the Risk Management Infrastructure of the Derivatives Industry
    Petal Walker

    9. Difficulties in Achieving Neutrality and Other Challenges in Taxing Crypto Assets
    Christophe Waerzeggers and Irving Aw

    10. Blockchain and Identity Persistence
    Alex Marthews and Catherine Tucker

    11. Policy and Regulatory Challenges of Distributed Ledger Technology and Digital Assets in Asia
    Douglas Arner, Ross Buckley, Dirk Zetzsche, Bo Zhao, Anton Didenko, Cyn-Young Park and Emilija Pashoska

    12. Casting Light on Central Bank Digital Currency
    Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli, Maria Soledad Martinez Peria, Itai Agur, Anil Ari, John Kiff, Adina Popescu, and Celine Rochon 

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선택된 옵션

  • Cryptoassets: Legal, Regulatory, and Monetary Perspectives
