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Fluid Mechanics > 청문각 도서

Fluid Mechanics 요약정보 및 구매

Fluid Mechanics

저자 : Hibbeler

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 45,000원
판매가격 42,800원
출판사 Pearson
ISBN 9780134649290
크기 236.22 x 203.2
언어 ENG
무게 149685
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Fluid Mechanics
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    For Fluid Mechanics courses found in Civil and Environmental, General Engineering, and Engineering Technology and Industrial Management departments.

    Fluid Mechanics is intended to provide a comprehensive guide to a full understanding of the theory and many applications of fluid mechanics. The text features many of the hallmark pedagogical aids unique to Hibbeler texts, including its student-friendly clear organization. The text supports the development of student problem-solving skills through a large variety of problems, representing a broad range of engineering disciplines that stress practical, realistic situations encountered in professional practice, and provide varying levels of difficulty. The text offers flexibility in that basic principles are covered in chapters 1-6, and the remaining chapters can to be covered in any sequence without the loss of continuity.

    Updates to the 2nd Edition result from comments and suggestions from colleagues, reviewers in the teaching profession, and many of the author's students, and include expanded topic coverage and new Example and Fundamental Problems intended to further students' understanding of the theory and its applications.

    Also available with Mastering Engineering

    Mastering(TM) Engineering is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Interactive, self-paced tutorials provide individualized coaching to help students stay on track. With a wide range of activities available, students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult concepts. The text and Mastering Engineering work together to guide students through engineering concepts with a multi-step approach to problems.

    Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; Mastering(TM) Engineering does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Mastering Engineering ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

    If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Mastering Engineering, search for:

    0134676610 / 9780134676616 Fluid Mechanics Plus Mastering Engineering with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 2/e

    Package consists of:

    • 0134628772 / 9780134628776 Mastering Engineering with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Fluid Mechanics
    • 013464929X / 9780134649290 luid Mechanics

    Table of Contents: 

    1 Fundamental Concepts1-1. Introduction1-2. Characteristics of Matter1-3. Systems of Units1-4. Calculations1-5. Problem Solving1-6. Basic Fluid Properties1-7. Viscosity1-8 Viscosity Measurement1-9. Vapor Pressure1-10. Surface Tension and Capillarity
    2 Fluid Statics2-1. Pressure2-2. Absolute and Gage Pressure2-3. Static Pressure Variation2-4. Pressure Variation for Incompressible2-5. Pressure Variation for Compressible Fluids2-6. Measurement of Static Pressure2-7. Hydrostatic Forces on Plane Surfaces2-8. Hydrostatic Forces on an Incline Plane or Curved Surface Determined by Projection2-9. Buoyancy2-10. Stability2-11. Constant Accelerated Translation of a Liquid2-12. Steady Rotation of a Liquid.3 Kinematics of Fluid Motion3-1. Types of Flow Description3-2. Types of Fluid Flow3-3. Graphical Descriptions of Fluid Flow3-4. Fluid Acceleration3-5 Streamline Coordinates3-6. The Reynolds Transport Theorem
    4 Conservation of Mass4-1. Rate of Flow and Average Velocity4-2. Continuity Equation
    5 Energy of Moving Fluids5-1. Euler's Equations of Motion5-2. The Bernoulli Equation5-3. Applications of Bernoulli's Equation5-4.Energy and the Hydraulic Gradient.5-5. The Energy Equation
    6 Fluid Momentum6-1. The Linear Momentum Equation6-2. The Angular Momentum Equation6-3. Propellers6-4. Applications for Control Volumes Having Rectilinear Accelerated Motion6-5. Turbojets6-6. Rockets7 Differential Fluid Flow7-1. Differential Analysis7-2. Kinematics of Differential Fluid Elements7-3. Circulation and Vorticity7-4. Conservation of Mass7-5. Equations of Motion of a Fluid Particle7-6. The Euler and Bernoulli Equations7-7. The Stream Function7-8. The Potential Function7-9. Basic Two-Dimensional Flows7-10. Superposition of Flows7-11. The Navier-Stokes Equations7-12. Computational Fluid Dyanmics
    8 Dimensional Analysis and Similitude8-1. Dimensional Analysis8-2. Important Dimensionless Numbers8-3. The Buckingham Pi Theorem8-4. Similitude
    9 Viscous Flow Within Enclosed Surfaces9-1. Steady Laminar Flow between Parallel Plates9-2. Navier-Stokes Solution for Steady Laminar Flow Between Parallel Plates9-3. Steady Laminar Flow Within A Smooth Pipe9-3. Laminar and Turbulent Shear Stress Within a Smooth Pipe9-4. Navier-Stokes Solution for Steady Laminar Flow Within a Smooth Pipe9-5. The Reynolds Number9-6. Laminar and Turbulent Shear Stress Within a Smooth Pipe9-7. Fully Developed Flow From an Entrance9-8. Turbulent Flow Within a Smooth Pipe
    10 Analysis and Design for Pipe Flow10-1. Resistance to Flow in Rough Pipes10-2. Losses Occurring From Pipe Fittings And Transitions10-3. Single Pipeline Flow10-4. Pipe Systems10-5. Flow Measurement
    11 Viscous Flow Over External Surfaces11-1 The Concept of the Boundary Layer11-2. Laminar Boundary Layers11-3 The Momentum Integral Equation11-4 Turbulent Boundary Layers11-5. Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers11-6. Drag and Lift11-7. Pressure Gradient Effects11-8. The Drag Coefficient11-9. Methods for Reducing Drag11-10. Lift and Drag on an Airfoil12 Turbomachinery12-1. Types of Turbomachines12-2. Axial-Flow Pumps12-3. Ideal Performance for Axial-Flow Pumps12-4. Radial-Flow Pumps12-5. Turbines12-6. Pump Performance12-7. Cavitation and Net Positive Suction Head12-8. Pump Selection Related to the Flow System12-9.Turbomachine Similitude13 Open Channel Flow13-1. Types of Flow in Open Channels13-2. Wave Celerity13-3. Specific Energy13-4. Open Channel Flow Over a Rise13-5. Open Channel Flow Through a Sluice Gate13-6. Steady Uniform Channel Flow13-7. Gradual Flow With Varying Depth13- 8. The Hydraulic Jump13-9. Weirs
    14 Compressible Flow14-1. Thermodynamic Concepts14-2. Wave Propagation Through a Compressible Fluid14-3. Types of Compressible Flow14-4. Isentropic Stagnation Properties14-5. Isentropic Flow Through a Variable Area14-6. Isentropic Flow Through Converging and Diverging Nozzles14-7. Normal Shock Waves14-8. Shock Waves in Nozzles14-9. Oblique Shocks14-10. Compression and Expansion Waves14-11. Compressible Flow Measurement

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  • Fluid Mechanics
