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Media Ethics : Cases and Moral Reasoning > TextBook

Media Ethics : Cases and Moral Reasoning 요약정보 및 구매

Media Ethics : Cases and Moral Reasoning

저자 : Clifford G. Christians, Mark Fackler, Kathy Brittain Richardson, Peggy Kreshel

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 95,000원
판매가격 90,000원
출판사 Routledge
발행일7 Apr 2020
ISBN 9780367243975
크기 189 x 247 x 23 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United Kingdom
무게 942g
원산지 United Kingdom
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Media Ethics : Cases and Moral Reasoning
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning challenges readers to think analytically about ethical situations in mass communication through original case studies and commentaries about real-life media experiences.

    This text provides a comprehensive introduction to the theoretical principles of ethical philosophies, facilitating ethical awareness. It introduces the Potter Box, with its four dimensions of moral analysis, to provide a framework for exploring the steps in moral reasoning and analyzing the cases. Focusing on a wide spectrum of ethical issues faced by media practitioners, the cases in this Eleventh Edition include the most recent issues in journalism, broadcasting, advertising, public relations and entertainment. Cases touch on issues and places worldwide, from Al Jazeera to the Xinhua News Agency, from Nigerian "brown envelopes" to PR professional standards in South Africa. Racially divisive language comes up in different communication contexts, as does celebrity influence on culture.

    A core textbook for classes in media ethics, communication ethics, and ethics in journalism, public relations, and advertising.

    The companion website url] contains sample syllabi and lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, discussion and test questions, and a library of video and other media materials for class use.

    Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning challenges readers to think analytically about ethical situations in mass communication through original case studies and commentaries about real-life media experiences. This text provides a comprehensive introduction to the theoretical principles of ethical philosophies, facilitating ethical awareness. It introduces the Potter Box, with its four dimensions of moral analysis, to provide a framework for exploring the steps in moral reasoning and analyzing the cases.

    Focusing on a wide spectrum of ethical issues faced by media practitioners, the cases in this Eleventh Edition include the most recent issues in journalism, broadcasting, advertising, public relations and entertainment. Cases touch on issues and places worldwide, from Al Jazeera to the Xinhua News Agency, from Nigerian "brown envelopes" to PR professional standards in South Africa. Racially divisive language comes up in different communication contexts, as does celebrity influence on culture.

    A core textbook for classes in media ethics, communication ethics, and ethics in journalism, public relations, and advertising. The companion website [url] contains sample syllabi and lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, discussion and test questions, and a library of video and other media materials for class use.

    상품 정보 고시

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    Table of Contents: 

    Introduction - Ethical Foundations and Perspectives

    Part One - News

    Chapter 1: Institutional Press

    Chapter 2: Truthtelling

    Chapter 3: Reporters and Sources

    Chapter 4: Social Justice

    Chapter 5: Privacy

    The Heart of the Matter in News Ethics

    Part Two - Advertising

    Chapter 6: The Commercialization of Everyday Life

    Chapter 7: Advertising in an Image-Based Media Culture

    Chapter 8: The Media are Commercial

    Chapter 9: Advertising's Professional Culture

    The Heart of the Matter in Advertising Ethics

    Part 3 - Public Relations

    Chapter 10: Public Communication

    Chapter 11: Telling the Truth in Organizational Settings

    Chapter 12: Conflicting Loyalties

    Chapter 13: The Demands of Social Responsibility

    The Heart of the Matter in Public Relations Ethics

    Part 4 - Entertainment

    Chapter 14    Violence

    Chapter 15   Profits, Wealth, and Public Trust

    Chapter 16   Media Scope and Depth

    Chapter 17    Censorship

    The Heart of the Matter in Entertainment Ethics

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선택된 옵션

  • Media Ethics : Cases and Moral Reasoning
