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  • Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) Advanced Reading Course Ⅰ
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Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) Advanced Reading Course Ⅰ > 중국도서

Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) Advanced Reading Course Ⅰ 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Luo Qingsong

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 13,000원
판매가격 12,000원
출판사 Beijing Language & Culture University Press,China
ISBN 9787561930809
크기 285 × 210 mm
언어 ENG
국가 china
무게 330g
원산지 china
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) Advanced Reading Course Ⅰ
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Developing Chinese (2nd Edition), a set of Higher Education Textbooks for the National 11th Five-Year Plan with a total of 28 volumes (or 34 books), endeavors for perfection based on the framework of its original edition and keeps pace with the times.
    This set of teaching materials follows the mode used in foreign language teaching and textbook compilation, i.e., “integrating the development of comprehensive language abilities into the training of specific language skills”. It is divided into “three levels and five series”, i.e., vertically divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced levels and horizontally divided into comprehensive, listening, speaking, reading and writing series. Among them, the comprehensive series is the major teaching material, and the speaking, listening, reading and writing series are supplementary ones. The overall objective of this set of teaching materials is to develop students’ language abilities and communication skills to use Chinese in an all-around way and get them more interested in the language.
    The reading series has a total of 4 volumes. This volume, Developing Chinese·Advanced Reading Course ( I ), is the progressive textbook for Developing Chinese·Intermediate Reading Course (II). It applies to high level or advanced level students of Chinese language who have learned an approximate 3500~4000 frequently used words.

    This book consists of a total of 15 lessons, among which Lesson 8 and Lesson 15 are review lessons with 7 passages in each and 5 passages in each of the rest lessons. This book develops the  writing concepts of the first edition, highlighting the respect of students’ reading habits in daily life. In each lesson, four approaches to reading, i.e., reading in detail, reading through, skimming and scanning, are adopted to develop students’ reading skills. The selected passages use lively language data from newspapers, books and the Internet. The content is updated and practical and the exercise types are rich in variety. After learning this book, students can not only rapidly improve their ability to read Chinese articles in written form and style, but also experience and get to know the lively and real China in the contemporary times. 

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선택된 옵션

  • Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) Advanced Reading Course Ⅰ
