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  • Gwangju Uprising : The Rebellion for Democracy in South Korea
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Gwangju Uprising : The Rebellion for Democracy in South Korea > INTS 304

Gwangju Uprising : The Rebellion for Democracy in South Korea 요약정보 및 구매

Textbook for GMU

저자 : Hwang Sok-yong, Lee Jae-eui, Jeon Yong-ho

시중가격 52,000원
판매가격 44,000원
출판사 Verso
ISBN 9781788737142
페이지512 Pages
언어 ENG
무게 564g
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

상품의 재고가 부족하여 구매할 수 없습니다.

  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    On 18th May 1980, student activists gathered in the South Korean city of Gwangju to protest the coup d'etat and martial law government of General Chun Doo-hwan. The security forces responded with unmitigated violence, and over the next ten days hundreds of students, activists and citizens were arrested, tortured and murdered. The events of the uprising shaped over a decade of resistance to the repressive South Korean regime, and paved the way for the country's democratisation in the 1990s.

    The subject of right-wing conspiracy and controversy in South Korea, the texts of Gwangju Uprising survived in underground circulation and were recently republished. This fresh translation by Slin Jung of the original text, compiled from eye-witness testimonies, forms a gripping and full account of both the events of the uprising and the political situation which preceded and followed the violence of those days. The edition contains a preface by Hwang Sok-yong, material which situates the uprising in its longer-term local and international context.

    The resulting volume is an unrivalled account of the movement for democracy and freedom in South Korea in the tumultuous period of the 1980s dictatorship. A vital collection for those interested in East Asian contemporary history and the global struggle for democracy.

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