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  • Human Body: A Wearable Product Designer's Guide
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Human Body: A Wearable Product Designer's Guide > Seoul National Uni.

Human Body: A Wearable Product Designer's Guide 요약정보 및 구매

Human Body: A Wearable Product Designer's Guide

저자 : Karen L. LaBat, Karen S. Ryan

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 96,000원
판매가격 91,000원
출판사 CRC Press
발행일22 Feb 2019
ISBN 9781498755719
크기 165 x 242 x 39 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 1190g
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Human Body: A Wearable Product Designer's Guide
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Association of American Publishers (AAP) Finalist for the 2020 PROSE Award

    Association of American Publishers (AAP) Subject Category Winner for the 2020 PROSE Award

    Human Body: A Wearable Product Designer's Guide, unlike other anatomy books, is divided into sections pertinent to wearable product designers. Two introductory chapters include many definitions, an introduction to anatomical terminology, and brief discussions of the body's systems, setting the stage for the remaining chapters. The book is extensively referenced and has a large glossary with both anatomical and design terms making it maximally useful for interdisciplinary collaborative work. The book includes 200 original illustrations and many product examples to demonstrate relationships between wearable product components and anatomy. Exercises introduce useful anatomical, physiological, and biomechanical concepts and include design challenges.


    • Includes body region chapters on head and neck, upper torso and arms, lower torso and legs, the mid-torso, hands, feet, and a chapter on the body as a whole
    • Contains short sections on growth and development, pregnancy, and aging as well as sections on posture, gait, and designing total body garments
    • Describes important regional muscles and their actions as well as joint range of motion (ROM) definitions and data with applications to designing motion into wearable products
    • Presents appendices correlating to each body region's anatomy with instructions for landmarking and measuring the body, a valuable resource for a lifetime of designing

    Association of American Publishers (AAP) Finalist for the 2020 PROSE AwardAssociation of American Publishers (AAP) Subject Category Winner for the 2020 PROSE AwardHuman Body: A Wearable Product Designer's Guide, unlike other anatomy books, is divided into sections pertinent to wearable product designers. Two introductory chapters include many definitions, an introduction to anatomical terminology, and brief discussions of the body's systems, setting the stage for the remaining chapters. The book is extensively referenced and has a large glossary with both anatomical and design terms making it maximally useful for interdisciplinary collaborative work.

    The book includes 200 original illustrations and many product examples to demonstrate relationships between wearable product components and anatomy. Exercises introduce useful anatomical, physiological, and biomechanical concepts and include design challenges. FeaturesIncludes body region chapters on head and neck, upper torso and arms, lower torso and legs, the mid-torso, hands, feet, and a chapter on the body as a whole Contains short sections on growth and development, pregnancy, and aging as well as sections on posture, gait, and designing total body garments Describes important regional muscles and their actions as well as joint range of motion (ROM) definitions and data with applications to designing motion into wearable products Presents appendices correlating to each body region's anatomy with instructions for landmarking and measuring the body, a valuable resource for a lifetime of designing 

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선택된 옵션

  • Human Body: A Wearable Product Designer's Guide
