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  • (eBook) Therapeutic Stretching
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(eBook) Therapeutic Stretching > In-Cheon National Uni.

(eBook) Therapeutic Stretching 요약정보 및 구매

Textbook for InCheon National Uni.

저자 : Jane Johnson

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

판매가격 49,000원
출판사 Human Kinetics Publishers
발행일13 Apr 2012
ISBN 9781450412759
언어 ENG
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • (eBook) Therapeutic Stretching
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    A text for sport massage, sport therapy, and osteopathy students. Also a reference for massage therapists, sport therapists, osteopaths, physical therapists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation specialists, and trainers working with individuals suffering from common musculoskeletal conditions and injuries.

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Table of Contents: 

    Part I. Getting Started with Therapeutic Stretching

    Chapter 1. Introduction to Therapeutic Stretching

    What Is Therapeutic Stretching?

    The Need for Therapeutic Stretching

    Why Should I Incorporate Stretching Into My Practice?

    Overview of Musculoskeletal Conditions Covered in This Book

    Why Do People Stretch?

    The Challenge of Designing a Stretching Protocol

    The Rationale for Stretching After Musculoskeletal Injury

    General Safety Guidelines

    Closing Remarks

    Quick Questions

    Chapter 2. Preparing for Stretching

    Step 1: Assess the Client

    Step 2: Identify Treatment Objectives

    Step 3: Choose a Stretching Method

    Step 4: Set Stretching Goals

    Step 5: Screen for Contraindications

    Step 6: Contemplate the Stretching Environment

    Step 7: Take Measurements

    Step 8: Create a Stretching Plan

    Step 9: Carry Out Stretches

    Step 10: Reassess and Document Findings

    Closing Remarks

    Quick Questions

    Part II. Stretching Methods

    Chapter 3. Active and Passive Stretching

    Active and Passive Stretching Definitions, Advantages, and Disadvantages

    Guidelines for Providing an Active Stretching Programme

    Guidelines for Applying Passive Stretches

    Closing Remarks

    Quick Questions

    Chapter 4. Advanced Forms of Stretching

    Muscle Energy Technique

    Soft Tissue Release

    Closing Remarks

    Quick Questions

    Part III. Implementing Your Stretches

    Chapter 5. Stretching the Lower Limb

    Foot and Ankle

    Knee and Leg

    Hip and Thigh

    Quick Questions

    Chapter 6. Stretching the Upper Limb



    Wrist, Hand and Fingers

    Quick Questions

    Chapter 7. Stretching the Trunk

    Head and Neck


    Quick Questions

    Part IV. Stretching Routines

    Chapter 8. Prone Stretching Routine

    The Lower Limb

    The Upper Limb

    Chapter 9. Supine Stretching Routine

    Lower Limb

    Upper Limb


    Chapter 10. Seated Stretching Routine

    Lower Limb

    Upper Limb


    Questions for Self-Reflection

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  • (eBook) Therapeutic Stretching
