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eBook_Business and Society  17th ed (Year) > BUS 100

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  • eBook_Business and Society  17th ed (Year)
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eBook_Business and Society  17th ed (Year) > BUS 100

eBook_Business and Society  17th ed (Year) 요약정보 및 구매

Textbook for GMUK

저자 : Anne Lawrence and James Weber

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

판매가격 38,000원
출판사 McGrawHIll
ISBN 9781265586140
언어 ENG
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • eBook_Business and Society  17th ed (Year)
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    상품 정보 고시

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    PART ONE: Business in Society 
    Chapter 1: The Corporation and Its Stakeholders 
    Chapter 2: Managing Public Issues and Stakeholder Relationships 
    Chapter 3: Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Citizenship 
    Chapter 4: Business in a Globalized World 

    PART TWO: Business and Ethics
    Chapter 5: Ethics and Ethical Reasoning 
    Chapter 6: Organizational Ethics

    PART THREE: Business and Public Policy
    Chapter 7: Business–Government Relations 
    Chapter 8: Influencing the Political Environment 

    PART FOUR: Business and the Natural Environment 
    Chapter 9: Sustainable Development and Global Business 
    Chapter 10: Managing for Sustainability 

    PART FIVE: Business and Technology 
    Chapter 11: The Role of Technology 
    Chapter 12: Regulating and Managing Technology 

    PART SIX: Business and Its Stakeholders

    Chapter 13: Shareholder Rights and Corporate Governance 
    Chapter 14: Consumer Protection 
    Chapter 15: Employees and the Corporation 
    Chapter 16: Managing a Diverse Workforce 
    Chapter 17: Business and Its Suppliers 
    Chapter 18: The Community and the Corporation 
    Chapter 19: Managing the Public and the Corporate Reputation 

    1. Failure by Design: Boeing and the 737 Max
    2. Profiting from Pain: Business and the U.S. Opioid Epidemic 
    3. Banning American Parts in Chinese Mobile Phones: Economic Sanctions, 
        Political Influence, and Trump’s Trade War 
    4. BP Blowout: The Aftermath of the Gulf Oil Disaster 
    5. Wells Fargo’s Unauthorized Customer Accounts 
    6. The Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster 
    7. Starbucks at the Airport: Discrimination in Public Spaces 
    8. Nestlé and Child Labor in the Cocoa Supply Chain 
    9. The Boycott of Stoli Vodka   

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선택된 옵션

  • eBook_Business and Society  17th ed (Year)
