Building Services Engineering: Smart and Sustainable Design for Health and Wellbeing covers the design practices of existing engineering building services and how these traditional methods integrate with newer, smarter developments. These new developments include areas such as smart ventilation, smart glazing systems, smart batteries, smart lighting, smart soundproofing, smart sensors and meters. Combined, these all amount to a healthier lifestyle for the people living within these indoor climates.
With over one hundred fully worked examples and tutorial questions, Building Services Engineering: Smart and Sustainable Design for Health and Wellbeing encourages the reader to consider sustainable alternatives within their buildings in order to create a healthier environment for users.
상품 정보 고시
Preface xiii
Structure of the Book xv
Notation xxi
1 Ambient Air1
2 The Thermodynamics of the Human Machine and Thermal Comfort 25
3 Ventilation 45
4 Psychrometry and Air Conditioning 75
5 The Building Envelope 107
6 Refrigeration and Heat Pumps 143
7 Acoustic Factors 185
8 Visual Factors 211
9 Cleaning the Air 235
10 Solar Energy Applications 271
11 Measurements and Monitoring 301
12 Drivers, Standards, and Methodologies 331
13 Emerging Technologies 343
14 Closing Remarks 359
Appendix A The Psychrometric Chart 361
Appendix B Refrigerant Thermodynamic Properties 363