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Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook > TextBook

Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Bill Aulet

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 33,000원
판매가격 31,350원
출판사 John Wiley & Sons Inc
ISBN 9781119365792
크기 204 x 253 x 15 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United States
무게 692g
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    The essential companion to the book that revolutionized entrepreneurship Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook provides a practical manual for working the 24-step framework presented in Disciplined Entrepreneurship. Unlocking key lessons and breaking down the steps, this book helps you delve deeper into the framework to get your business up and running with a greater chance for success. You'll find the tools you need to sharpen your instinct, engage your creativity, work through hardship, and give the people what they want-even if they don't yet know that they want it.

    Real-world examples illustrate the framework in action, and case studies highlight critical points that can make or break you when your goal is on the line. Exercises and assessments help you nail down your strengths, while pointing out areas that could benefit from reinforcement-because when it comes to your business, "good enough" isn't good enough-better is always better. Disciplined Entrepreneurship transformed the way that professionals think about starting a company, and this book helps you dig into the proven framework to make your business dreams a reality.

    Delve deeper into the 24 steps to successInnovate, persevere, and create the product people wantInternalize lessons learned from real-world entrepreneursTest your understanding with exercises and case studies The book also includes new material on topics the author has found to be extremely useful in getting the most value out of the framework including Primary Market Research, Windows of Opportunity and Triggers. The book also introduces the Disciplined Entrepreneurship Canvas to track your progress on this journey. Starting a company is a serious undertaking, with plenty of risk and sacrifice to go around-so why not minimize the risk and make the outcome worth the sacrifice? Author Bill Aulet's 24-step framework is proven to build a successful business; the key is in how well you implement it.

    Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook helps you master the skills, tools, and mindset you need to get on your path to success.

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선택된 옵션

  • Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook
