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Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education > TextBook

Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Marilyn H. Oermann

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 160,000원
판매가격 152,000원
출판사 Springer Publishing Co Inc
ISBN 9780826139160
크기 254 x 178 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United States
무게 699g
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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  • Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Previous edition AJN 2020 Book of the Year!

    With expert, comprehensive guidance on the assessment and evaluation of student learning in multiple settings, this award-winning text remains the gold standard in this sphere of nursing education. The seventh edition incorporates the latest changes in the field and presents a new chapter on developing test components that prepare students for the Next Generation NCLEX, including descriptions and illustrations of the novel item types.

    The resource presents an expanded discussion on assessment of higher-level learning and clinical judgment, new content on assessment of competencies, examples of new item types in all chapters, updated information on online testing, more in-depth explanations of how to analyze and score NGN items with examples, and new content on evaluating students in online nursing programs. Also unique to this edition is practical advice on developing test blueprints and creating all types of test components including NCLEX-type items and the Next Generation NCLEX.

    The text continues to present fundamental measurement and evaluation concepts to aid current and future nurse educators in designing, critiquing, and employing pertinent test and evaluation tools along with guidance for evaluating instructor and program effectiveness. It also examines key social, ethical, and legal issues associated with testing and evaluation, including prevention of cheating and designing academic policies for testing, grading, and progression. Purchase includes digital access for use on most mobile devices or computers.

    New to the Seventh Edition:

    • Discussion of competencies for assessment
    • New chapter on developing test questions and other components preparing students for the Next Generation NCLEX
    • In-depth explanations of how to analyze and score NGN items with examples and exhibits
    • Examples of test items in each chapter
    • Strategies for assessing higher-level learning and clinical judgment
    • Updated content for online testing
    • New content on evaluating students in online nursing programs

    Key Features:

    • Discusses assessment of competencies
    • Presents strategies for evaluating higher-level cognitive skills and clinical judgment
    • Describes how to develop test blueprints and assemble, administer, write, and analyze tests
    • Provides guidelines for writing all types of test items including Next Generation NCLEX (NGN)
    • Includes explanations of how to analyze and score NGN items with examples and exhibits
    • Details how to evaluate written assignments with sample scoring rubrics
    • Includes extensive instructor resources including sample syllabus, course modules, learning activities, discussion questions, online resources, PowerPoints, and more

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  • Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education
