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  • Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education
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Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education > 외국도서

Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Oermann

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 145,000원
판매가격 137,000원
출판사 Springer Pub.
ISBN 9780826135742
페이지418 pages
크기 229 x 152 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 765g
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    The only text to comprehensively address the assessment of student learning, as well as the evaluation of instructor and program effectiveness, in a wide variety of settings. Long considered the gold standard for evaluation and testing in nursing education, the sixth edition of this classic text provides expert and comprehensive guidance for educators in the assessment of student learning in a wide variety of settings, as well as the evaluation of instructor and program effectiveness. It presents fundamental measurement and evaluation concepts that will aid nurse educators in the design, critique, and use of appropriate tests and evaluation tools.

    Important social, ethical, and legal issues associated with testing and evaluation also are explored, including the prevention of cheating and academic policies for testing, grading, and progression.Written by experts in the field of nursing education, Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education features practical advice on the development of test blueprints; creation of all types of test items, including next-generation NCLEX-type items; the assembly, administration, and scoring of tests; test and item analyses and how to use analyses to interpret and improve tests; evaluation of higher levels of learning; assessment of written assignments; and suggestions for creating tests in online courses and programs. An entire section is devoted to clinical evaluation process and methods, including the use of simulation for assessment and high-stakes evaluation; clinical evaluation in distance settings; and the use of technology for remote evaluation of clinical performance. The text meets the NLN CNE Certification Competency #3: Use Assessment & Evaluation Strategies.

    New to This Edition:Expanded coverage of test item analysis and how to use analyses to interpret and improve testsExpanded coverage of clinical evaluation processes and methodsGuidance on how to work with part-time clinical educators and preceptors to ensure that evaluation processes are followed consistentlyExpanded content on the construction and administration of online testsTips for adapting test-bank items and other item-writing resourcesGuidelines for the design of academic policies for academic integrity, testing, grading, and progressionKey Features:Describes how to develop test blueprints and assemble, administer, write, and analyze testsProvides guidelines for the selection of standardized tests for a nursing curriculumDetails how to evaluate written assignments with sample scoring rubricsIncludes a robust ancillary package: Instructor Manual with sample syllabus, course modules, learning activities, discussion questions, assessment strategies, and online resources; chapter PowerPoint slides; and a collection of sample test itemsPurchase includes access to the eBook for use on most mobile devices or computers. 

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선택된 옵션

  • Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education
