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Data Warehousing Fundamentals for IT Professionals > TextBook

Data Warehousing Fundamentals for IT Professionals 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Paulraj Ponniah

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 70,000원
판매가격 66,000원
출판사 John Wiley & Sons Inc
ISBN 9780470462072
페이지608 pages
크기 259 x 188 x 32 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 us
무게 1162g
원산지 us
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Data Warehousing Fundamentals for IT Professionals
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    CUTTING-EDGE CONTENT AND GUIDANCE FROM A DATA WAREHOUSING EXPERT NOW EXPANDED TO REFLECT FIELD TRENDS Data warehousing has revolutionized the way businesses in a wide variety of industries perform analysis and make strategic decisions. Since the first edition of Data Warehousing Fundamentals, numerous enterprises have implemented data warehouse systems and reaped enormous benefits. Many more are in the process of doing so.

    Now, this new, revised edition covers the essential fundamentals of data warehousing and business intelligence as well as significant recent trends in the field. The author provides an enhanced, comprehensive overview of data warehousing together with in-depth explanations of critical issues in planning, design, deployment, and ongoing maintenance. IT professionals eager to get into the field will gain a clear understanding of techniques for data extraction from source systems, data cleansing, data transformations, data warehouse architecture and infrastructure, and the various methods for information delivery.

    This practical Second Edition highlights the areas of data warehousing and business intelligence where high-impact technological progress has been made. Discussions on developments include data marts, real-time information delivery, data visualization, requirements gathering methods, multi-tier architecture, OLAP applications, Web clickstream analysis, data warehouse appliances, and data mining techniques. The book also contains review questions and exercises for each chapter, appropriate for self-study or classroom work, industry examples of real-world situations, and several appendices with valuable information.

    Specifically written for professionals responsible for designing, implementing, or maintaining data warehousing systems, Data Warehousing Fundamentals presents agile, thorough, and systematic development principles for the IT professional and anyone working or researching in information management.

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선택된 옵션

  • Data Warehousing Fundamentals for IT Professionals
