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  • Information Technology Law : The Law and Society
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Information Technology Law : The Law and Society > 외국도서

Information Technology Law : The Law and Society 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Murray

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 59,000원
판매가격 56,000원
출판사 Oxford
ISBN 9780198804727
페이지736 pages
크기 173 x 245 x 35 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 USA
무게 1268g
원산지 USA
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Information Technology Law : The Law and Society
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Information Technology Law is the ideal companion for a course of study on IT law and the ways in which it is evolving in response to rapid technological and social change. The fourth edition of this ground-breaking textbook develops its unique examination of the legal processes and their relationship to the modern 'information society'. Charting the development of the rapid digitization of society and its impact on established legal principles, Murray examines the challenges faced with enthusiasm and clarity.

    Following a clearly-defined part structure, the text begins by defining the information society and discussing how it may be regulated, before moving on toexplore issues of internet governance, privacy and surveillance, intellectual property and rights, and commerce within the digital sphere. Comprehensive and engaging, Information Technology Law takes an original and thought-provoking approach to examining this fast-moving area of law in context. Online resources- Additional chapters on the Digital Sphere and Virtual Environments- Audio podcasts suitable for revision- Updates to the law post-publication- A flashcard glossary of key terms and concepts- Outline answers to end of chapter questions 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Part I: Information and Society
    1: . The world of bits
    2: . The network of networks
    3: . Digitization and society
    Part II: Governance in the Information Society
    4: . Regulating the digital environment
    5: . Digital ownership
    6: . Cyber-speech
    7: . Social networking and antisocial conduct
    8: . Defamation
    Part III: Digital Content and Intellectual Property Rights
    9: . Intellectual property rights and the information society
    10: . Software
    11: . Copyright in the digital environment
    12: . Databases
    Part IV: Criminal Activity in the Information Society
    13: . Computer misuse
    14: . Pornography and obscenity in the information society
    15: . Crime and law enforcement in the information society
    Part V: E-Commerce
    16: . Branding, trade marks and domain names
    17: . Brand identities, search engines, and secondary markets
    18: . Electronic contracts
    19: . Electronic payments
    Part VI: Privacy in the Information Society and Future Developments
    20: . Data protection
    21: . State surveillance and data retention
    Part VII: Future Challenges for Information Law
    22: . The future for IT law
    Online only chapters
    23: . The digital public sphere
    24: . 

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선택된 옵션

  • Information Technology Law : The Law and Society
