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Yi Kwang-Su and Modern Literature: Mujong > Korean 311

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  • Yi Kwang-Su and Modern Literature: Mujong
    Yi Kwang-S 41,000
Yi Kwang-Su and Modern Literature: Mujong > Korean 311

Yi Kwang-Su and Modern Literature: Mujong 요약정보 및 구매

Textbook for KORE 311 of GMU

저자 : Kwangsu YI

시중가격 43,200원
판매가격 41,000원
출판사 Cornell University - Cornell East Asia Series
ISBN 9781885445377
페이지444 Pages
크기 216 x 140 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United States
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Yi Kwang-su (1892-1950) was one of the pioneers of modern Korean literature. When the serialization of Muj ng (The Heartless) began in 1917, it was an immediate sensation, and it occupies a prominent place in the Korean literary canon. The Heartless is the story of a love triangle among three youths during the Japanese occupation. Yi Hy ng-sik is a young man in his mid-twenties who is teaching English at a middle school in Seoul. Brilliant but also shy and indecisive, he is torn between two women. Kim S n-hy ng is from a wealthy Christian family; she has just graduated from a modern, Western-style school and is planning on continuing her studies in the United States. Pak Y ng-ch'ae is a musically gifted young woman who was raised in a traditional Confucian manner; due to family misfortune, she has become a kisaeng but remains devoted to Hy ng-sik whom she knew as a child. The Heartless goes beyond the level of romantic melodrama and uses these characters to depict Korea's struggles with modern culture and national identity.A long critical introduction discusses Yi Kwang-su's life and work from his birth in 1892 to the publication of his first novel The Heartless in 1917. It contains in-depth analyses of the novel, Yi Kwang-su's literary theory, and early short stories.

    Yi Kwang-su (1892-1950) was one of the pioneers of modern Korean literature. When the serialization of Mujong (The Heartless) began in 1917, it was an immediate sensation, and it occupies a prominent place in the Korean literary canon. The Heartless is the story of a love triangle among three youths during the Japanese occupation.

    Yi Hyong-sik is a young man in his mid-twenties who is teaching English at a middle school in Seoul. Brilliant but also shy and indecisive, he is torn between two women. Kim Son-hyong is from a wealthy Christian family; she has just graduated from a modern, Western-style school and is planning on continuing her studies in the United States.

    Pak Yong-ch'ae is a musically gifted young woman who was raised in a traditional Confucian manner; due to family misfortune, she has become a kisaeng but remains devoted to Hyong-sik whom she knew as a child. The Heartless goes beyond the level of romantic melodrama and uses these characters to depict Korea's struggles with modern culture and national identity. A long critical introduction discusses Yi Kwang-su's life and work from his birth in 1892 to the publication of his first novel The Heartless in 1917.

    It contains in-depth analyses of the novel, Yi Kwang-su's literary theory, and early short stories.

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