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Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationship > 외국도서

Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationship 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Miller-Perrin, Cindy L

시중가격 70,000원
판매가격 66,500원
출판사 Sage
ISBN 9781544371085
언어 ENG
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

상품의 재고가 부족하여 구매할 수 없습니다.

  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships describes the magnitude, risk factors, and consequences of intimate violence. The text offers a multidisciplinary focus that examines traditional areas of interpersonal violence as well as forms of intimate abuse outside the family. Addressing intimate relationship violence across the developmental lifespan, the Second Edition offers a mix of historical and contemporary perspectives, as well as personal stories and high-profile cases to provide readers with ample opportunity for application of the explanations, research, and data. The authors discuss the professional and social response to violence and maltreatment in intimate relationships (VMIR) to further the understanding of how to treat victims and how to prevent future intimate violence. 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    List of Abbreviations
    About the Authors
    Chapter 1 - History and Definitions of Intimate Violence and Maltreatment
    Estimating the Scope of the Problem
    Intimate Violence and Maltreatment as a Social Construction
    The Discovery of Childhood and the Recognition of Child Abuse
    The Women's Rights Movement, the Rise of Feminism, and the Recognition of Intimate Partner Violence
    Other Sometimes Forgotten Victims
    Defining "Violence" and "Maltreatment" and "Intimate Relationships"
    Social Policy: Prevention and Intervention
    Chapter 2 - Methods and Perspectives in Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships
    An Explanatory Context
    Measurement Issues: The Funnel Metaphor
    Important Data Sets and Self-Report Survey Instruments
    Methodological Issues: Conducting Better Research
    Chapter 3 - Child Physical Abuse
    Case History: Kevin Fell Off His Razor
    Scope of the Problem
    Risk Factors Associated With Child Physical Abuse
    Consequences Associated With Child Physical Abuse
    Intervention and Prevention of Child Physical Abuse
    Chapter 4 - Child Sexual Abuse
    Case History: Sashim's Secret
    Scope of the Problem
    Risk Factors Associated With Child Sexual Abuse
    Consequences Associated With Child Sexual Abuse
    Intervention and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse
    Chapter 5 - Child Neglect
    Case History: Will and Mark: "Where Are the Parents?"
    Scope of the Problem
    Risk Factors Associated With Child Neglect
    Consequences Associated With Child Neglect
    Intervention and Prevention of Child Neglect
    Chapter 6 - Child Psychological Maltreatment
    Case History: Tough Love or Child Psychological Maltreatment?
    Scope of the Problem
    Risk Factors Associated With Child Psychological Maltreatment
    Consequences Associated With Child Psychological Maltreatment
    Intervention and Prevention of Child Psychological Maltreatment
    Chapter 7 - Abuse in Adolescent and Emerging Adult Relationships: Peer Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, and Stalking
    Case History: Troy "Likes" Tonya
    Peer Sexual Harassment
    Rape and Sexual Assault
    Teen Dating Violence and Stalking
    Chapter 8 - Intimate Partner Violence in Adult Relationships: Focusing on Victims
    Case History: Shelby and Marcus: A Deadly Outcome
    Scope of the Problem
    Risk Factors Associated With IPV Victimization
    Consequences of IPV for Victims
    Interventions and Prevention of IPV Focusing on Victims
    Chapter 9 - Intimate Partner Violence in Adult Relationships: Focusing on Perpetrators
    Case History: Maria and Victor: "I Am Not a Batterer!"
    Scope of the Problem
    Risk Factors Associated With IPV Perpetration
    Intervention and Prevention of IPV Perpetration
    Chapter 10 - Intimate Abuse of People With Disabilities and the Elderly
    Intimate Abuse of People With Disabilities
    Case History: Julie's Dilemma
    Intimate Abuse of the Elderly
    Case History: Marjorie Becomes a Parent Again at Age 68
    Chapter 11 - Societal Responses to Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships: Some Concluding Thoughts
    VMIR Rates Are Declining!
    What Do We Value?
    What Can We Do?

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