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Prepare to Board! Creating Story and Characters for Animated Features and Shorts 3/e > 외국도서

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  • Prepare to Board! Creating Story and Characters for Animated Features and Shorts 3/e
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Prepare to Board! Creating Story and Characters for Animated Features and Shorts 3/e > 외국도서

Prepare to Board! Creating Story and Characters for Animated Features and Shorts 3/e 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Beiman, Nancy

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 60,000원
판매가격 57,000원
출판사 CRC press
ISBN 9781498797009
페이지392 pages
크기 179 x 253 x 16 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 814g
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Prepare to Board! Creating Story and Characters for Animated Features and Shorts 3/e
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Successful storyboards and poignant characters have the power to make elusive thoughts and emotions tangible for audiences. Packed with illustrations that illuminate and a text that entertains and informs, Prepare to Board, 3rd edition presents the methods and techniques of animation master, Nancy Beiman, with a focus on pre-production, story development and character design. As one of the only storyboard titles on the market that explores the intersection of creative character design and storyboard development, the third edition is an invaluable resource for both beginner and intermediate artists.

    Key FeaturesAdapt key techniques, tips and tricks of experienced character designers and storyboard artists with 30 years of experience to your film, television and animation projects. Save time and money with workflow solutions and avoid common mistakes and problems with troubleshooting tips. Implement creative solutions for your own projects with this invaluable resource for beginner and intermediate artists with examples of what a good storyboard and character design should look like and example of poorly designed storyboards.

    and tricks. Further your artistic skill development with an interactive, companion website which will includes video tutorials, examples of animatics and good and bad pitching techniques. 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Chapter 1 First Catch Your Rabbit: Creating Concepts and Characters

    Chapter 2 How Storyboard Took Over the Movies (And Television)Live Action and Animation Boards

    Chapter 3 Putting Yourself into Your Work

    Chapter 4 Situation and Character Driven Stories

    Chapter 5 Treat 'em rough: beginning character design and setting story rules

    Chapter 6 Appealing or Appalling? Developing your Characters

    Chapter 7 Working with Multiple Characters

    Chapter 8 Beauties and Beasts: Creating Character Contrasts in Design

    Chapter 9 Color and Design in Storytelling

    Chapter 10 Starting Story Sketch: Compose Yourself

    Chapter 11 Boarding Time: Getting with the Story Beat

    Chapter 12 Roughing It: Basic Staging

    Chapter 13 The Big Picture: Creating Story Sequences

    Chapter 14 Patterns in Time: Pacing Action on Rough Boards

    Chapter 15 Present Tense: Creating a Performance on Storyboards

    Chapter 16 Color My World: Art Direction and Storytelling

    Chapter 17 Show and Tell: Presenting Your Storyboards

    Chapter 18 Talking Pictures: Assembling a Leica, Story Reel or Animatic with a Scratch Track

    Chapter 19 Team Storyboard: Working on Group Projects

    Chapter 20 Maquette Simple: Modeling Characters in Three Dimensions

    Chapter 21 Building a Better Mouse: Creating Final Model Sheets

    Chapter 22 Screen and Screen Again: Preparing for Production

    Chapter 23 Appendices: Animated Interviews

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선택된 옵션

  • Prepare to Board! Creating Story and Characters for Animated Features and Shorts 3/e
