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Food Studies > 외국도서

Food Studies 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Zhen

시중가격 40,000원
판매가격 38,000원
출판사 Bloomsbury
ISBN 9781474298711
페이지224 pages
크기 230 x 162 x 11 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 366g
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Traditional food studies textbooks tend to emphasize theoretical concepts and text-based approaches. Yet food is sensory, tactile, and experiential. Food Studies: A Hands-on Guide is the first book to provide a practical introduction to food studies.

    Offering a unique, innovative approach to learning and teaching, Willa Zhen presents creative hands-on activities that can easily be done in a traditional classroom - without the need for a student kitchen. Major theories and key concepts in food studies are covered in an engaging, tangible way, alongside topics such as food production, consumption, technology, identity and culture, and globalization. A fantastic resource for supporting student engagement and learning, the book features: - practical activities, such as grinding grains to learn about the importance of food technology; working with restaurant menus to understand changes in food trends, tastes, and ingredients; writing food poetry; and many more - pedagogical features such as learning objectives, discussion questions, suggested readings, and a glossary - a companion website offering lesson plans, worksheets, and links to additional resources, found here: https://onlineresources.bloomsbury.com/cw/food-studies/.

    This is the perfect introduction for students of food studies, anthropology of food, food geography, food hospitality, sociology of food, food history, and gastronomy. 

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