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International Negotiation in a Complex World, 4/e > Han-Yang Uni.

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  • International Negotiation in a Complex World, 4/e
    Internatio 37,000
International Negotiation in a Complex World, 4/e > Han-Yang Uni.

International Negotiation in a Complex World, 4/e 요약정보 및 구매

Textbook for Hanyang Uni.

저자 : Brigid Starkey, Mark A. Boyer, Jonathan Wilkenfeld

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 39,000원
판매가격 37,000원
출판사 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
ISBN 9781442276710
크기 223.52 x 149.86
언어 ENG
국가 United States
무게 31751
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • International Negotiation in a Complex World, 4/e
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    The process of negotiation, standing as it does between war and peace in many parts of the globe, has never been a more vital process to understand than in today's rapidly changing international system. Students of negotiation must first understand key IR concepts as they try to incorporate the dynamics of the many anomalous actors that regularly interact with conventional state agents in the diplomatic arena. This hands-on text provides an essential introduction to this high-stakes realm, exploring the impact of complex multilateralism on traditional negotiation concepts such as bargaining, issue salience, and strategic choice. Using an easy-to-understand board game analogy as a framework for studying negotiation episodes, the authors include a rich array of real-world cases and examples-now updated with the results of the Paris climate change agreement-to illustrate key themes, including the intensity of crisis situations for negotiators, the role of culture in communication, and the impact of domestic-level politics on international negotiations. Providing tools for analyzing why negotiations succeed or fail, this innovative text also presents effective exercises and learning approaches that enable students to understand the complexities of negotiation by engaging in the diplomatic process themselves.

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선택된 옵션

  • International Negotiation in a Complex World, 4/e
