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  • Engineering Differential Equations: Theory and Applications
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Engineering Differential Equations: Theory and Applications > TextBook

Engineering Differential Equations: Theory and Applications 요약정보 및 구매

Engineering Differential Equations: Theory and Applications

저자 : Bill Goodwine

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 89,000원
판매가격 85,000원
출판사 Springer
ISBN 9781441979186
크기 168 x 242 x 45 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 124284
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Engineering Differential Equations: Theory and Applications
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    This book is a comprehensive treatment of engineering undergraduate differential equations as well as linear vibrations and feedback control. While this material has traditionally been separated into different courses in undergraduate engineering curricula. This text provides a streamlined and efficient treatment of material normally covered in three courses.

    Ultimately, engineering students study mathematics in order to be able to solve problems within the engineering realm. Engineering Differential Equations: Theory and Applications guides students to approach the mathematical theory with much greater interest and enthusiasm by teaching the theory together with applications. Additionally, it includes an abundance of detailed examples.

    Appendices include numerous C and FORTRAN example programs. This book is intended for engineering undergraduate students, particularly aerospace and mechanical engineers and students in other disciplines concerned with mechanical systems analysis and control. Prerequisites include basic and advanced calculus with an introduction to linear algebra.

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Table of Contents: 

    - Prerequisites.
    - Course Structure.
    - Introduction and Preliminaries.
    - Ordinary First Order Equations.
    - Ordinary Second Order Linear Constant Coefficient Equations.
    - Single Degree fo Freedom Vibrations.
    - Ordinary Second Order Linear Variable Coefficient Equations.
    - Systems of Ordinary First Order Linear Constant Coefficient Equations.
    - Applications of Systems of First Order Equations.
    - The Laplace Transform.- Basic Control Theory: Analysis.
    - Basic Filter Theory.- Basic Control Theory: Design.
    - Partial Differential Equations.
    - Numerical Methods.
    - Introduction to Nonlinear Systems.
    - Perturbation Methods.
    - Lagrange's Equations.
    - System Identification.
    - Symmetry and Transformation Methods.
    - A: Some Complex Variable Theory.
    - B: Linear Algebra Review.
    - C: Detailed Computation.
    - D: Example Programs.
    - References.
    - Index.

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선택된 옵션

  • Engineering Differential Equations: Theory and Applications
