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  • Fluid Machinery: Application, Selection, and Design
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Fluid Machinery: Application, Selection, and Design > 청문각 도서

Fluid Machinery: Application, Selection, and Design 요약정보 및 구매

Fluid Machinery: Application, Selection, and Design

저자 : Wright

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 49,000원
판매가격 47,550원
출판사 CRC Press
ISBN 9781420082944
크기 238.76 x 157.48
언어 ENG
무게 61235
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Fluid Machinery: Application, Selection, and Design
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Published nearly a decade ago, Fluid Machinery: Performance, Analysis, and Design quickly became popular with students, professors, and professionals because of its comprehensive and comprehensible introduction to the fluid mechanics of turbomachinery. Renamed to reflect its wider scope and reorganized content, this second edition provides a more logical flow of information that will enhance understanding. In particular, it presents a consistent notation within and across chapters, updating material when appropriate. Although the authors do account for the astounding growth in the field of computational fluid dynamics that has occurred since publication of the first edition, this text emphasizes traditional "one-dimensional" layout and points the way toward using CFD for turbomachinery design and analysis.

    Presents Extensive Examples and Design Exercises to Illustrate Performance Parameters and Machine Geometry

    By focusing on the preliminary design and selection of equipment to meet performance specifications, the authors promote a basic yet thorough understanding of the subject. They cover topics including gas and hydraulic turbines and equipment that is widely used in the industry, such as compressors, blowers, fans, and pumps.
    This book promotes a pragmatic approach to turbomachinery application and design, examining a realistic array of difficulties and conflicting requirements. The authors use examples from a broad range of industrial applications to illustrate the generality of the basic design approach and the common ground of seemingly diverse areas of application.
    With a variety of illustrations, examples, and exercises that emphasize real-world industrial applications, this book not only prepares students to face industrial applications with confidence, but also supplies professionals with a compact and easy-to-use reference.

    Published nearly a decade ago, Fluid Machinery: Performance, Analysis, and Design quickly became popular with students, professors, and professionals because of its comprehensive and comprehensible introduction to the fluid mechanics of turbomachinery. Renamed to reflect its wider scope and reorganized content, this second edition provides a more logical flow of information that will enhance understanding. In particular, it presents a consistent notation within and across chapters, updating material when appropriate.

    Although the authors do account for the astounding growth in the field of computational fluid dynamics that has occurred since publication of the first edition, this text emphasizes traditional "one-dimensional" layout and points the way toward using CFD for turbomachinery design and analysis. Presents Extensive Examples and Design Exercises to Illustrate Performance Parameters and Machine GeometryBy focusing on the preliminary design and selection of equipment to meet performance specifications, the authors promote a basic yet thorough understanding of the subject. They cover topics including gas and hydraulic turbines and equipment that is widely used in the industry, such as compressors, blowers, fans, and pumps.

    This book promotes a pragmatic approach to turbomachinery application and design, examining a realistic array of difficulties and conflicting requirements. The authors use examples from a broad range of industrial applications to illustrate the generality of the basic design approach and the common ground of seemingly diverse areas of application. With a variety of illustrations, examples, and exercises that emphasize real-world industrial applications, this book not only prepares students to face industrial applications with confidence, but also supplies professionals with a compact and easy-to-use reference.

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선택된 옵션

  • Fluid Machinery: Application, Selection, and Design
