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  • (eBook) Short Guide to Writing about Film, Global Edition
    (eBook) Sh 48,000
(eBook) Short Guide to Writing about Film, Global Edition > eBook

(eBook) Short Guide to Writing about Film, Global Edition 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Timothy Corrigan

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

판매가격 48,000원
출판사 Pearson
ISBN 9781292078120
언어 ENG
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • (eBook) Short Guide to Writing about Film, Global Edition
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    A succinct guide to thinking critically and writing precisely about film

    Both an introduction to film study and a practical writing guide, this brief text introduces

    students to major film theories as well as film terminology, enabling them to write more

    thoughtfully and critically. With numerous student and professional examples, this engaging

    and practical guide progresses from taking notes and writing first drafts to creating polished

    essays and comprehensive research projects. Moving from movie reviews to theoretical and

    critical essays, the text demonstrates how an analysis of a film can become more subtle and

    rigorous as part of a compositional process.

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    1.  Writing about the Movies  

    Why Write about the Movies?  

    Your Audience and the Aims of Film Criticism  

     The Screening Report  

     The Movie Review 

     The Theoretical Essay  

     The Critical Essay  

    Opinion and Evaluation  


    2. Beginning to Think, Preparing to Watch, and Starting to Write  

    Subject Matter and Meaning  

    Silent Dialogue: Talking Back to the Movies  

    Taking Notes  

    Visual Memory and Reflection  


    3. Film Terms and Topics for Film Analysis and Writing 


    Film and the Other Arts 



     Point of View  

     Comparative Essays  

    Mise-en-Scène and Realism  


     Elements of Mise-en-Scène  

    Composition and the Image  

     The Shot

     The Edited Image  


    Sample Essay  


    4. Six Approaches to Writing about Film  

    Film History  

    National Cinemas  



    Kinds of Formalism  


    Sample Essays  


    5. Style and Structure in Writing  

    The Right Words  

     Concrete Language  

     Denotation and Connotation  


     Repetitions and Clichés  

    Effective Sentences  


     Varied Sentence Structures  

    Coherent Paragraphs  

    Introductory Paragraphs  

    Concluding Paragraphs  

    Revisions and Proofreading  

    Checklist for Writing an Effective Essay  


    6. Researching the Movies  

    How to Begin Research 

    The Materials of Research  

     Primary Sources  

     Video, DVDs, and Digital Downloads  


     Secondary Sources: Books, Indexes, Journals, and Electronic Sources  

    Film Research on the Internet  

    Taking Notes on Secondary Sources  

    Writing the Paper  

    Sample Essays  


    7. Manuscript Form  

    Manuscript Copy  

    Last-Minute Corrections  


    Acknowledging Sources

     Common Knowledge 

    Documenting Sources  

     Notes for Documentation  

     Works Cited 

     Notes Supplying Additional Commentary  

    Common Conventions of Usage  



     Foreign Words and Quotation Marks  

     Sexist Language  


    Last Words  

    Appendix: Symbols Commonly Used In Marking Papers  

    Glossary of Film Terms  

    Works Cited 



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선택된 옵션

  • (eBook) Short Guide to Writing about Film, Global Edition
