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(Connect) Project Management 8th > Woo-Song Uni. (SOL)

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  • (Connect) Project Management 8th
    (Connect) 44,000
(Connect) Project Management 8th > Woo-Song Uni. (SOL)

(Connect) Project Management 8th 요약정보 및 구매

Textbook for SolBridge

저자 : Erik Larson, Clifford Gray

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

판매가격 44,000원
출판사 McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN 9781260242379
언어 ENG
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • (Connect) Project Management 8th
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Project Management, 8e provides a holistic and realistic approach to Project Management that combines the human aspect and culture of an organization with the tools and methods used It covers concepts and skills used to propose, plan secure resources, budget and lead project teams to successful completion of projects. this text is not only on how the management process works, but also, and more importantly, on why it works. It's not intended to specialize by industry type or project scope, rather it is written for the individual who will be required to manage a variety of projects in a variety of organizational settings.

    8e was written for a broad range of audiences including, project managers, students, analysts and Project Management Institute Members preparing for certification exams. The digital component, Connect, now has enhanced algorithmic problems, Application Based Activities, SmartBook 2.0 and Practice Operations, a game-based 3D operations management simulation.

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기


    Ch. 1 Modern Project Management 

    Ch. 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection 

    Ch. 3 Organization: Structure and Culture 

    Ch. 4 Defining the Project 

    Ch. 5 Estimating Project Times and Costs

    Ch. 6 Developing a Project Schedule 

    Ch. 7 Managing Risk 

    Ch. 8 Scheduling Resources and Costs 

    Ch. 9 Reducing Project Duration 

    Ch. 10 Being an Effective Project Manager 

    Ch. 11 Managing Project Teams 

    Ch. 12 Outsourcing: Managing Interorganizational Relations 

    Ch. 13 Progress and Performance Measurement and Evaluation 

    Ch. 14 Project Closure 

    Ch. 15 Agile Project Management 

    Ch. 16 International Projects 


    1 Solutions to Selected Exercises 

    2 Two Computer Project Exercises 



    Project Management Equations

    Cross Reference of Project Management 

    Socio-Technical Approach to Project Management


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선택된 옵션

  • (Connect) Project Management 8th
