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  • Heat Transfer - Evolution, Design and Performance
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Heat Transfer - Evolution, Design and Performance > 외국도서

Heat Transfer - Evolution, Design and Performance 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Bejan

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 79,000원
판매가격 75,000원
출판사 Wiley-Blackwell
발행일11 Mar 2022
ISBN 9781119467403
페이지608 pages
크기 212 x 265 x 39 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 US
무게 1452g
원산지 US
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Heat Transfer - Evolution, Design and Performance
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    HEAT TRANSFER Provides authoritative coverage of the fundamentals of heat transfer, written by one of the most cited authors in all of Engineering Heat Transfer presents the fundamentals of the generation, use, conversion, and exchange of heat between physical systems. A pioneer in establishing heat transfer as a pillar of the modern thermal sciences, Professor Adrian Bejan presents the fundamental concepts and problem-solving methods of the discipline, predicts the evolution of heat transfer configurations, the principles of thermodynamics, and more. Building upon his classic 1993 book Heat Transfer, the author maintains his straightforward scientific approach to teaching essential developments such as Fourier conduction, fins, boundary layer theory, duct flow, scale analysis, and the structure of turbulence.

    In this new volume, Bejan explores topics and research developments that have emerged during the past decade, including the designing of convective flow and heat and mass transfer, the crucial relationship between configuration and performance, and new populations of configurations such as tapered ducts, plates with multi-scale features, and dendritic fins. Heat Transfer: Evolution, Design and Performance: Covers thermodynamics principles and establishes performance and evolution as fundamental concepts in thermal sciencesDemonstrates how principles of physics predict a future with economies of scale, multi-scale design, vascularization, and hierarchical distribution of many small featuresExplores new work on conduction architecture, convection with nanofluids, boiling and condensation on designed surfaces, and resonance of natural circulation in enclosuresIncludes numerous examples, problems with solutions, and access to a companion website Heat Transfer: Evolution, Design and Performance is essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students in mechanical and chemical engineering, and for all engineers, physicists, biologists, and earth scientists. 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Table of Contents: 

    Preface xi

    About the Author xv

    Acknowledgments xvi

    List of Symbols xvii

    About the Companion Website xxvi

    1 Introduction 1

    1.1 Fundamental Concepts 1

    1.2 The Objective of Heat Transfer 5

    1.3 Conduction 6

    1.4 Convection 18

    1.5 Radiation 23

    1.6 Evolutionary Design 24

    2 Unidirectional Steady Conduction 37

    2.1 Thin Walls 37

    2.2 Cylindrical Shells 42

    2.3 Spherical Shells 44

    2.4 Critical Insulation Radius 45

    2.5 Variable Thermal Conductivity 48

    2.6 Internal Heat Generation 49

    2.7 Evolutionary Design: Extended Surfaces (Fins) 51

    3 Multidirectional Steady Conduction 85

    3.1 Analytical Solutions 85

    3.2 Integral Method 101

    3.3 Scale Analysis 103

    3.4 Evolutionary Design 104

    4 Time-Dependent Conduction 121

    4.1 Immersion Cooling or Heating 121

    4.2 Lumped Capacitance Model (The Late Regime) 124

    4.3 Semi-infinite Solid Model (The Early Regime) 125

    4.4 Unidirectional Conduction 133

    4.5 Multidirectional Conduction 148

    4.6 Concentrated Sources and Sinks 152

    4.7 Melting and Solidification 158

    4.8 Evolutionary Design 162

    5 External Forced Convection 177

    5.1 Classification of Convection Configurations 177

    5.2 Basic Principles of Convection 179

    5.3 Laminar Boundary Layer 189

    5.4 Turbulent Boundary Layer 202

    5.5 Other External Flows 215

    5.6 Evolutionary Design 223

    6 Internal Forced Convection 245

    6.1 Laminar Flow Through a Duct 245

    6.2 Heat Transfer in Laminar Flow 252

    6.3 Turbulent Flow 261

    6.4 Total Heat Transfer Rate 269

    6.5 Evolutionary Design 271

    7 Natural Convection 291

    7.1 What Drives Natural Convection? 291

    7.2 Boundary Layer Flow on Vertical Wall 292

    7.3 Other External Flows 305

    7.4 Internal Flows 314

    7.5 Evolutionary Design 327

    8 Convection with Change of Phase 343

    8.1 Condensation 343

    8.2 Boiling 361

    8.3 Evolutionary Design 373

    9 Heat Exchangers 387

    9.1 Classification of Heat Exchangers 387

    9.2 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient 391

    9.3 Log-Mean Temperature Difference Method 397

    9.4 Effectiveness--NTU Method 408

    9.5 Pressure Drop 417

    9.6 Evolutionary Design 428

    10 Radiation 447

    10.1 Introduction 447

    10.2 Blackbody Radiation 448

    10.3 Heat Transfer Between Black Surfaces 460

    10.4 Diffuse-Gray Surfaces 471

    10.5 Participating Media 493

    10.6 Evolutionary Design 502

    Appendix A Constants and Conversion Factors 521

    Appendix B Properties of Solids 527

    Appendix C Properties of Liquids 541

    Appendix D Properties of Gases 551

    Appendix E Mathematical Formulas 557

    Appendix F Turbulence Transition 565

    Appendix G Extremum Subject to Constraint 571

    Author Index 573

    Subject Index 579

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선택된 옵션

  • Heat Transfer - Evolution, Design and Performance
