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  • Environmental Politics and Policy
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Environmental Politics and Policy > 인문 사회

Environmental Politics and Policy 요약정보 및 구매

Environmental Politics and Policy

저자 : Walter A. Rosenbaum

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 65,000원
판매가격 61,000원
출판사 SAGE Publications Inc
발행일21 Nov 2022
ISBN 9781071844519
페이지352 Pages
크기 152 x 230 x 29 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United States
무게 526g
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Environmental Politics and Policy
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Walter A. Rosenbaum's classic Environmental Politics and Policy, Twelfth Edition, provides definitive coverage of environmental politics and policy, lively case material, and a balanced assessment of current environmental issues. The newly streamlined first half of the book sets needed context and describes the policy process, while the second half covers specific environmental issues such as air and water, toxic and hazardous substances, energy, and global policymaking on issues like climate change and trans-boundary politics.

    The Twelfth Edition includes updated case studies and a look at the transition in environmental policies between the Trump and Biden administrations, offering students a current and relevant look at the continuing challenge of reconciling sound science with practical politics. 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Table of Contents:
    Figures, Tables, Boxes, and Maps
    About the Author
    Chapter 1: After Earth Day
    "Frack, Baby, Frack"
    America's Environmental Legacy
    The Evolution of U.S. Environmentalism
    Ongoing Challenges: Present and Future
    Plan for the Book
    Chapter 2: Making Policy: The Process
    Protecting the Bee: The Pathways of Policy
    The Policy Cycle
    Constitutional Constraints
    Interest Group Politics
    The Environmental Movement: Confronting the Challenge of Change
    Environmentalism and Its Critics
    The Public and Environmentalism
    The Special Place of Science in Policymaking
    Chapter 3: Making Policy: Governmental Institutions and Politics
    The Water War Called WOTUS
    The Presidency
    Congress: Too Much Check, Too Little Balance
    The Bureaucracy: Power Through Implementation
    The Courts: The Role of Appraisal
    The Political Environment of Environmental Policymaking
    Chapter 4: Common Policy Challenges: Risk Assessment and Environmental Justice
    A Toxic Nightmare From Toyland?
    Risk Assessment and the Limits of Science
    Risk Assessment Reconsidered: The Precautionary Principle
    Risk and Discrimination: The Problem of Environmental Justice
    Chapter 5: More Choice: The Battle Over Regulatory Economics
    The Benefit-Cost Debate
    Regulation Strategies: Command and Control Versus the Marketplace
    Chapter 6: Command and Control in Action: Air and Water Pollution Regulation
    The Politics of Command-and-Control Regulation
    Regulating Air Quality
    Current Controversies in Air-Quality Regulation
    Regulating Water Quality
    Drinking Water
    Chapter 7: A Regulatory Thicket: Toxic and Hazardous Substances
    Toxic and Expensive: The Stringfellow Waste Site
    The Growth of Federal Toxics Regulation
    Federal Law: Toxics Regulation From the Cradle to the Grave?
    Chapter 8: Energy: America's Energy Politics in Transformation
    The Foundation: A Fossil Fuel Nation
    Petroleum: A Revived Economy
    Natural Gas and the Gas "Boom"
    Coal: The Promise and Perils of Abundance
    Fossil Fuel Alternatives: Nuclear Power and Renewable Energy
    Chapter 9: 635 Million Acres of Politics: The Contested Resources of Public Lands
    The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Public Land Politics at a Boil
    The Department in the Middle
    The Public Lands
    Conflicts Over Multiple Use
    The Fate of the Forests
    How Much Wilderness Is Enough?
    Chapter 10: The Politics and Policy of Global Climate Change: A New Era of Climate Policy
    Science and Climate Warming
    The Domestic Politics of Climate Change
    The Difficult Quest for an International Climate Agreement
    Deadlock Over Domestic Climate Emission Controls
    The Uncertain Future of U.S. Climate Policy
    List of Abbreviations

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선택된 옵션

  • Environmental Politics and Policy
