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  • Flight Dynamics : Second Edition
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Flight Dynamics : Second Edition > 외국도서

Flight Dynamics : Second Edition 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Robert F. Stengel

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 79,000원
판매가격 75,050원
출판사 Princeton University Press
발행일1 Nov 2022
ISBN 9780691220253
페이지912 pages
크기 184 x 264 x 54 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 1856g
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Flight Dynamics : Second Edition
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    An updated and expanded new edition of an authoritative book on flight dynamics and control system design for all types of current and future fixed-wing aircraftSince it was first published, Flight Dynamics has offered a new approach to the science and mathematics of aircraft flight, unifying principles of aeronautics with contemporary systems analysis. Now updated and expanded, this authoritative book by award-winning aeronautics engineer Robert Stengel presents traditional material in the context of modern computational tools and multivariable methods. Special attention is devoted to models and techniques for analysis, simulation, evaluation of flying qualities, and robust control system design.

    Using common notation and not assuming a strong background in aeronautics, Flight Dynamics will engage a wide variety of readers, including aircraft designers, flight test engineers, researchers, instructors, and students. It introduces principles, derivations, and equations of flight dynamics as well as methods of flight control design with frequent reference to MATLAB functions and examples. Topics include aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, flying qualities, flight control, and the atmospheric and gravitational environment.

    The second edition of Flight Dynamics features up-to-date examples; a new chapter on control law design for digital fly-by-wire systems; new material on propulsion, aerodynamics of control surfaces, and aeroelastic control; many more illustrations; and text boxes that introduce general mathematical concepts. Features a fluid, progressive presentation that aids informal and self-directed studyProvides a clear, consistent notation that supports understanding, from elementary to complicated conceptsOffers a comprehensive blend of aerodynamics, dynamics, and controlPresents a unified introduction of control system design, from basics to complex methodsIncludes links to online MATLAB software written by the author that supports the material covered in the book. 

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선택된 옵션

  • Flight Dynamics : Second Edition
