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Race and Crime > 외국도서

Race and Crime 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Shaun L. Gibbidon

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 65,000원
판매가격 62,000원
출판사 SAGE Publications
발행일7 Feb 2019
ISBN 9781544334233
페이지488 pages
크기 232 x 172 x 25 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United States
무게 822g
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Race and Crime
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    "This is a great tool that provides not only historical perspective but also incorporates additional resources to help expand the student's ability to understand an issue and implications stemming from it."-Robbin Day Brooks,-Arizona State UniversityWritten by two of the most prominent criminologists in the field, Race and Crime, Fifth Edition takes an incisive look at the intersection of race, ethnicity and the criminal justice system. Authors Shaun L. Gabbidon and Helen Taylor Greene offer students a panoramic perspective of race and crime by expertly balancing historical context with modern data and research in thought-provoking discussions of contemporary issues.

    Accessible and reader-friendly, this comprehensive text illuminates the continued importance of race and ethnicity in all aspects of the administration of justice. New to the Fifth Edition:"Both Sides of the Debate" boxes encourage student engagement and critical thinking as they explore both sides of controversial issues, such as: school shootings; the "Model Minority" label; affluenza; eliminating peremptory challenges; President Trump's judicial appointments; the underreporting of hate crimes; the increase of opioid use among black Americans; and expanding the death penalty for opioid dealers. Extensive updates around policing provides a foundational understanding of important issues, such as: policing and the use of force; the Black Lives Matter movement; the Blue Lives Matter movement; the need for diversity in law enforcement; traffic stops; and the connection between immigration and policing.

    Key court rulings are included along with updated discussions of racial disparities in plea bargains, backstrikes of potential jurors, wrongful convictions, and intersectionality in death penalty decisions. Important topics such as life after prison and the impact of felony disenfranchisement on minorities help contextualize the discussion of corrections. Updated data tables such as crime and victimization trends, hate crime incidents, and juvenile crime/victimization put the study of race and crime in complete context.

    Discussions of the Trump Administration's policies capture the current state of crime and justice policies in the United States. Updated data tables such as crime and victimization trends, hate crime incidents, and juvenile crime/victimization put the study of race and crime in complete context for students. Instructors, sign in to the password-protected Instructor Site at study.sagepub.com/gabbidon5e for access to a Microsoft (R) Word test bank, chapter activities, SAGE journal articles, and more! 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    CHAPTER 1. Overview of Race and Crime
    Race, DNA, Criminal Justice Databases, and Civil Rights Concerns
    Race, Ethnicity, and the U.S. Population in 2015
    Race, Ethnicity, and Population Trends
    Prejudice, Discrimination, and Implicit Bias
    Historical Antecedents of Race and Crime in America
    CHAPTER 2. Extent of Crime and Victimization
    History of Crime and Victimization Statistics in the United States
    The Uniform Crime Reporting Program
    Victimization Surveys
    Limitations of Arrest and Victimization Data
    Arrest Trends
    Victimization Trends
    CHAPTER 3. Theoretical Perspectives on Race and Crime
    What Is Theory?
    Biology, Race, and Crime
    Sociological Explanations
    Collective Efficacy
    Culture Conflict Theory
    Strain or Anomie Theory
    General Strain Theory
    Subcultural Theory
    Conflict Theory
    The Colonial Model
    Integrated and Nontraditional Theories on Race and Crime
    CHAPTER 4. Policing
    Polling Data
    Overview of Policing in America
    Historical Overview of Race and Policing
    Contemporary Issues in Race and Policing
    CHAPTER 5. Courts
    Overview of American Courts: Actors and Processes
    Historical Overview of Race and the Courts in America
    Contemporary Issues in Race and the Courts
    Scholarship on Race/Ethnicity, Bail, and Pretrial Release
    Drug Courts
    CHAPTER 6. Sentencing
    Sentencing Philosophies
    Historical Overview of Race and Sentencing
    Contemporary Issues in Race and Sentencing
    CHAPTER 7. The Death Penalty
    Historical Overview of Race and the Death Penalty
    Significant Death Penalty Cases
    Current Statistics on the Death Penalty
    Scholarship on Race and the Death Penalty
    Public Opinion and the Death Penalty
    Contemporary Issues in Race and the Death Penalty
    CHAPTER 8. Corrections
    Overview of American Corrections
    Historical Overview of Race and Corrections
    Contemporary State of Corrections
    Contemporary Issues in Race and Corrections
    CHAPTER 9. Juvenile Justice
    Overview of Juvenile Justice
    Historical Overview of Race and Juvenile Justice
    Race, Juvenile Crime, and Victimization
    Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
    Contemporary Issues in Juvenile Justice 

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  • Race and Crime
