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eBook_Power System Modeling, Computation, and Control > In_ha Uni.

eBook_Power System Modeling, Computation, and Control 요약정보 및 구매

Textbook for Prof. insu kim of Inha Uni.

저자 : Juan J. Sanchez-Gasca, Joe H. Chow

판매가격 50,000원
출판사 Wiley
발행일23 Dec 2019
ISBN 9781119546894
언어 ENG
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

상품의 재고가 부족하여 구매할 수 없습니다.

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    Provides students with an understanding of the modeling and practice in power system stability analysis and control design, as well as the computational tools used by commercial vendors

    Bringing together wind, FACTS, HVDC, and several other modern elements, this book gives readers everything they need to know about power systems. It makes learning complex power system concepts, models, and dynamics simpler and more efficient while providing modern viewpoints of power system analysis.

    Power System Modeling, Computation, and Control provides students with a new and detailed analysis of voltage stability; a simple example illustrating the BCU method of transient stability analysis; and one of only a few derivations of the transient synchronous machine model. It offers a discussion on reactive power consumption of induction motors during start-up to illustrate the low-voltage phenomenon observed in urban load centers.

    Damping controller designs using power system stabilizer, HVDC systems, static var compensator, and thyristor-controlled series compensation are also examined. In addition, there are chapters covering flexible AC transmission Systems (FACTS)—including both thyristor and voltage-sourced converter technology—and wind turbine generation and modeling.

    • Simplifies the learning of complex power system concepts, models, and dynamics
    • Provides chapters on power flow solution, voltage stability, simulation methods, transient stability, small signal stability, synchronous machine models (steady-state and dynamic models), excitation systems, and power system stabilizer design
    • Includes advanced analysis of voltage stability, voltage recovery during motor starts, FACTS and their operation, damping control design using various control equipment, wind turbine models, and control
    • Contains numerous examples, tables, figures of block diagrams, MATLAB plots, and problems involving real systems
    • Written by experienced educators whose previous books and papers are used extensively by the international scientific community

    Power System Modeling, Computation, and Control is an ideal textbook for graduate students of the subject, as well as for power system engineers and control design professionals.

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