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  • Africa's Geography : Dynamics of Place, Cultures, and Economies
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Africa's Geography : Dynamics of Place, Cultures, and Economies > Chon-Nam National UNI.

Africa's Geography : Dynamics of Place, Cultures, and Economies 요약정보 및 구매

Textbook for Chonnam National Uni.

저자 : Benjamin Ofori-Amoah

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 70,000원
판매가격 65,000원
출판사 John Wiley & Sons Inc
발행일10 Apr 2019
ISBN 9780470583586
크기 252 x 207 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United States
무게 1204g
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Africa's Geography : Dynamics of Place, Cultures, and Economies
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Africa's Geography presents a comprehensive exploration of the world's second largest and most culturally diverse continent. Author Benjamin Ofori-Amoah challenges common misconceptions and misrepresentations of Africa from a geographical perspective, harnessing the power of modern geographic mapping technology to explore this unique continent. This text provides thorough coverage of the historical, cultural, economic, and political forces that continue to shape Africa, applying geographic context to relevant past and contemporary issues.

    Coverage of economic development, climate and biogeography, transportation and communication, manufacturing and commerce, and mining and agriculture provides foundational knowledge of this vast and complex continent. Ideally suited for multiple areas of classroom study, this text offers an effective and flexible pedagogical framework. Coverage of the entirety of Africa enables students to develop a cohesive portrait of the continent as a whole and identify the dynamism of its nations, cultures, and economies.

    Engaging and accessible narrative strengthens comprehension, while examples of historical and contemporary events increase student interest. Innovative and unique, Africa's Geography is an essential resource for cross-disciplinary investigation of this fascinating part of the world.

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Table of Contents: 

    Preface v

    Acknowledgments vii

    1 This is Africa 1

    Africa--The One Small Country Continent 2

    Africa, the Uniform Region 2

    Africa, the Epitome of Poverty, Backwardness, and the State of being a "Third World" 8

    Do You See Lions and Cheetahs in the Streets and on the Way to School? 10

    You Must Have Studied Outside Africa! 10

    Ethnocentrism and the Role of Early European Visitors to Africa 11

    The Nature of News and the Media 11

    The Nature of Academic Research Enterprise 13

    Nongovernmental Organizations and the Aid Industry 14

    The Demonstration Effect of Past and Current Behavior of Vested Interest Groups in Africa 14

    Postreading Assignment 16

    Web Resources 16

    References 17

    2 From Empires in the Sand and Civilizations in the Jungle to Colonies and Freedom 18

    The Origins of the African People 19

    Evolution and Development of Early Cultures 20

    Transformation through Agriculture, Metallurgy, and Expansion 21

    North and East Africa 23

    West Africa 27

    Central and Southern Africa 32

    North Africa and the Outside World 34

    The Swahili Coast 36

    The Trans-Saharan Trade 36

    The Coming of (Western) Europeans and Early Colonies 38

    The Slave Trades 39

    Christian Missionaries, "Legitimate" Trade, and the Mapping of Africa 41

    Colonial Africa 43

    Reasons for the Independence Movement 50

    The March to Independence 51

    Summary 56

    Postreading Assignment 57

    References 57

    3 The Struggle for a Better Standard of Living 59

    Capitalist Ideology and Modernization Theories 60

    Marxist or Socialist Ideology and Dependency Theories 61

    The 1950s-1960s: From the Modernization Project to Mixed Development Strategies 63

    The 1970s: From Mixed Development Experiments to Economic Insolvency 66

    The 1980s: From Economic Insolvency to Structural Adjustment Programs 71

    The 1990s: Poststructural Adjustment Era 73

    Postreading Assignments 79

    References 80

    4 Geology, Relief, and Drainage Basins 82

    The Precambrian Time (4.6 b to 570 m years ago) 82

    The Paleozoic Era (570 m to 245 m years ago) 83

    The Mesozoic Era (245 m to 66.4 m years ago) 84

    The Cenozoic Era (About 66.4 m to the Most Recent) 84

    The Coastal Plains 87

    The Interior Plateaus and Highlands 88

    River Basins 99

    Lakes 108

    Summary 112

    Postreading Assignment 112

    References 113

    5 Climate, Biogeography, and Soils 115

    Factors Affecting Africa's Climate 116

    Temperature and Rainfall Conditions 119

    Climatic Types 121

    Tropical Rain Forest 128

    Warm Temperate (Mediterranean) Forest 129

    Tropical Woodland 130

    Dry or Sudan Savanna 130

    Semi-Desert or Sahel 130

    Desert 131

    Temperate Grassland 131

    Mountain Vegetation 131

    Oxisols 132

    Utisols 132

    Alfisols 133

    Aridisols 133

    Vertisols 133

    Other Soils 133

    Nature's Opportunities 134

    Nature's Challenges 135

    Summary 143

    Postreading Assignments 143

    References 144

    6 Population 146

    Distribution by Density 147

    Factors Affecting Population Distribution 150

    Age and Sex Composition 153

    Income, Education Attainment, and Life Expectancy at Birth 155

    Population Growth 158

    Population Growth (Natural Increase) and Economic Development 174

    Rapid Population Growth and Africa's Economic Development 175

    Migration and Development 176

    Summary 178

    Postreading Assignment 179

    References 180

    7 Unity in Diversity 184

    Ethnocentrism 184

    Christianity and Islam 185

    Colonialism 185

    Race and Ethnicity 187

    Religions and Worldviews 191

    Languages 200

    Literature 203

    Visual Art and Symbolism 205

    Family and Kinship 211

    Age, Sex, and Gender 214

    Cuisines 217

    Dress and Adornment 219

    Social Relations and Lifestyle 220

    Language and Development 222

    Oral Literature and Corruption 222

    Ethnicity and Conflicts 223

    Religious Fundamentalism and Extremism 223

    Summary 224

    Postreading Assignments 225

    References 225

    8 Cities, Towns, and Villages 228

    Evolution and Development of Africa's Urban System 230

    The Internal Structure of Africa's Cities 241

    Problems and Issues of Africa's Postcolonial City 248

    Evolution and Development of Rural Settlements 254

    Internal Structure of Rural Settlements 255

    Social Linkages and Interaction 256

    Economic Linkages and Interactions 257

    Political Linkages and Interactions 258

    Summary 258

    Postreading Assignments 259

    References 259

    9 Politics and Governance 263

    Precolonial Africa 264

    Colonial Africa 265

    Postcolonial Africa 266

    Boundary Disputes 280

    The Land Question 281

    Democratic Multiparty Elections 284

    Civil Society, Citizen Representation, and Accountability 287

    Rule of Law and Access to Justice 288

    Neopatrimonialism, Venality, and Corruption 289

    Civil Wars 291

    Ethnic and Minority Issues 296

    Women Issues 299

    The Media and Press Freedom 299

    The Problem of Local Government Reforms 300

    Regional Groupings and Changing Geopolitics 301

    Summary 303

    Postreading Assignments 303

    References 304

    10 Transportation and Communication 308

    Road Transportation 309

    Water Transportation--Inland Waterways and Ocean Transportation 316

    Rail Transportation 327

    Air Transportation 333

    Telecommunication in Precolonial and Colonial Periods 344

    Postcolonial Developments 345

    Summary 355

    Postreading Assignment 355

    References 356

    11 Agriculture 358

    Precolonial Africa 358

    Colonial Africa 360

    Postcolonial Africa 365

    Crop Production Systems 374

    Livestock Production Systems 389

    Low Productivity 395

    The Problem of Institutions and Markets 396

    Disempowered Farmers and Communities 397

    A Note on Food Insecurity 398

    Policy Options 398

    Postreading Assignment 401

    References 402

    12 Fisheries and Forestry 405

    Classification of Fisheries, Fishing Vessels and Methods, and Fisheries Data 406

    Evolution and Development of African Fisheries 408

    Fisheries Production 415

    Problems and Issues in Fisheries 425

    Summary 427

    Evolution and Development of African Forestry 428

    Production of Forest Products 438

    Problems and Issues in Africa's Forestry 442

    Summary 445

    Postreading Assignment 446

    References 446

    13 Mineral and Energy Production 449

    Evolution and Development of Mineral Production in Africa 451

    Mineral Production Operations 459

    The Evolution and Development of Energy Production in Africa 471

    Distribution of Major Energy Resources and Production 475

    Problems and Issues in Mineral and Energy Production 482

    Physical and Human Impact of Mineral and Energy Production 482

    Mineral Production, Conflict, and Development 484

    Summary 487

    Postreading Assignment 488

    References 488

    14 Manufacturing Activities 490

    Precolonial Africa 491

    Colonial Africa 491

    Postcolonial Africa 492

    Manufacturing Production Systems (MPS) of Africa 497

    Major Manufacturing Industries 499

    Problems and Prospects of Industrialization 528

    Summary 531

    Postreading Assignments 533

    References 533

    15 Trade and Tourism 535

    Evolution and Development of Trade in Africa 535

    Types and Organization of Trading Activities 545

    Africa's Trade Issues 556

    The Evolution and Development of Tourism in Africa 561

    Africa's Tourist Trade 566

    Tourism and Economic Development of Africa 575

    Postreading Assignments 577

    References 578

    16 Education and Health Care 581

    Evolution and Development of Education in Africa 582

    Africa's Education System 591

    Problems and Issues in Africa's Education System 601

    Summary 604

    Evolution and Development of Africa's Health-Care Systems 605

    Disease Ecology, Morbidity, and Mortality in Africa 613

    Africa's Health-Care Delivery System 623

    Problems and Issues in Africa's Health-Care System 629

    Summary 638

    Postreading Assignment 639

    References 639

    Index 643

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선택된 옵션

  • Africa's Geography : Dynamics of Place, Cultures, and Economies
