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Studying Human Rights > CONF 394

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  • Studying Human Rights
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Studying Human Rights > CONF 394

Studying Human Rights 요약정보 및 구매

Human rights

저자 : Todd Landman

시중가격 57,600원
판매가격 51,000원
출판사 Polity Press
발행일22 Dec 2005
ISBN 9780415326056
크기 245 x 175 x 13 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 366g
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    This book draws on key theories and methods from the social sciences to develop a framework for the systematic study of human rights problems. It argues that solid empirical analysis of human rights problems rests on examining the observable practices from state and non-state actors that constitute human rights violations to provide plausible explanations for their occurrence and provide deeper understanding of their meaning. Such explanations and understanding draws on the theoretical insights from rational, structural and cultural approaches in the social sciences.

    This book includes:an outline of the scope of human rightsthe terrain of key actors that have an impact on human rightsa summary of the social science theories, methods and measures for studying human rightsa separate treatment of global comparative studies, truth commissions, and human rights impact assessment. Studying Human Rights is the first book to use the synthesis of social sciences approaches to studying human rights and its quantitative and qualitative approach provides useful insights. This book makes a unique contribution to the existent literature on human rights and is an invaluable tool for both scholars and practitioners of this area. 

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