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  • Applied Sport Management Skills
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Applied Sport Management Skills > 외국도서

Applied Sport Management Skills 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Robert N. Lussier and David C. Kimball

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 167,700원
판매가격 159,300원
출판사 Human Kinetics
ISBN 9781718213210
페이지Paperback / softback 544 pages
언어 ENG
무게 1497g
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Applied Sport Management Skills
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Applied Sport Management Skills, Fourth Edition With HKPropel Access, takes a practical approach for teaching students how to become strong leaders and managers in the world of sport. Organized around the central management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, and addressing the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) Common Professional Component topics and North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) guidelines, the fourth edition has been extensively updated with hundreds of new references and sport examples.

    The text employs a three-pronged approach for teaching management theory, putting theories into practice, and developing students' management skills. Timely discussions and case studies address the impacts of COVID-19; Black Lives Matter initiatives; name, image, and likeness rules; women in executive positions; corporate social responsibility; data analytics; and more. 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Part I. Introduction to Sport Management

    Chapter 1. Managing Sports
    Why Study Sport Management?
    The Sport Industry and Sport Management
    Sport Manager's Responsibilities
    What Does It Take to Be a Successful Manager?
    What Do Sport Managers Do?
    How Do Managers Differ?
    Learning Aids

    Chapter 2. The Sport Industry Environment: Globalization, Ethics, and Social Responsibility
    Internal Environment and Quality in Sport
    External Environment
    Conducting Sport Business in a Global Environment
    Ethics in Sport Management
    Why Good People Use Unethical Behavior
    Guides to Ethical Behavior and Managing Ethics
    Social Responsibility and Sustainability
    Learning Aids

    Part II. Planning

    Chapter 3. Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making
    An Overview of Problem Solving and Decision Making
    Step 1: Define the Problem or Opportunity
    Step 2: Set Objectives and Criteria
    Step 3: Generate Alternatives
    Step 4: Select the Most Feasible Alternative
    Step 5: Plan and Implement the Decision
    Step 6: Control the Results
    Learning Aids

    Chapter 4. Strategic and Operational Planning
    An Overview of Strategic and Operational Planning
    Strategic Process
    Analysis of the Environment
    Setting of Objectives
    Corporate-Level Strategy
    Business-Level Strategy
    Operational-Level Strategies
    Implementing and Controlling the Strategies
    Learning Aids

    Part III. Organizing

    Chapter 5. Organizing and Delegating Work
    The Organizing Function
    Organizational Design
    Job Design
    Organizing Yourself and Delegating Work
    Learning Aids

    Chapter 6. Managing Change, Culture, Innovation, and Diversity
    Managing Change
    Organizational Culture
    Innovation and Quality
    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I)
    Diversity Groups and Sports
    Organizational Development
    Learning Aids

    Chapter 7. Human Resources Management
    Human Resources Management Process and Department
    Legal Environment
    Human Resources Planning and Job Design
    Attracting Employees
    Developing Employees
    Performance Appraisals
    Retaining Employees
    Learning Aids

    Part IV. Leading

    Chapter 8. Behavior in Organizations: Power, Politics, Conflict, and Stress
    Organizational Behavior and Thoughts
    Attitude Formation and Behavior
    Politics in the Office and on the Field
    Managing Conflict
    Collaboration Conflict Skills
    Learning Aids

    Chapter 9. Team Development
    Importance of Teamwork to Performance
    Group Performance Model
    Group Structure
    Group Process
    Stages of Group Development and Leadership Styles
    Getting to Better Meetings
    Learning Aids

    Chapter 10. Communicating for Results
    Understanding the Importance of Good Communication
    Using Organizational Communication
    Using Interpersonal Communication
    Using the Channels
    Sending Messages
    Receiving Messages
    Responding to Messages
    Dealing With Emotions and Criticism
    Learning Aids

    Chapter 11. Motivating to Win
    Motivation and Performance
    Content-Based Motivation Theories
    Process-Based Motivation Theories
    Reinforcement Theory
    Putting Theory to Work Within the Motivational Process and Motivating Yourself
    Learning Aids

    Chapter 12. Leading to Victory
    Behavior of Effective Leaders
    Contemporary Behavioral Perspectives
    Situational Leadership Theories and Models
    Getting to Your Personal Style of Leadership
    Learning Aids

    Part V. Controlling

    Chapter 13. Controlling Quality, Financials, Productivity and Managing People
    Quality and Control Systems
    Control Process
    Frequency of Controls
    Financial Controls
    Managing People
    Managing Problem Employees
    Learning Aids

    Chapter 14. Facilities and Events Management
    Sport Facilities and Event Management
    Sport Facilities Management
    Sport Event Management
    Planning and Controlling Sports
    Sales Forecasting Techniques
    Scheduling Tools
    Time Management
    Learning Aids

    Afterword: The Future of Sport Management
    Appendix: Careers in Sport Management 

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선택된 옵션

  • Applied Sport Management Skills
