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  • Health Psychology Understanding the MindBody Connection
    Health Psy 70,300
Health Psychology Understanding the MindBody Connection > 외국도서

Health Psychology Understanding the MindBody Connection 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Sanderson, Catherine A

시중가격 74,000원
판매가격 70,300원
출판사 Sage
ISBN 9781506373713
페이지Hardback 656 pages
크기 254 x 203 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 1534g
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

상품의 재고가 부족하여 구매할 수 없습니다.

  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Health Psychology: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection introduces students to the story of health psychology through clear connections between the science and the real world. Using a highly accessible writing style, author Catherine A. Sanderson employs a strong emphasis on the scientific principles and processes underlying the field of health psychology to present balanced coverage of foundational research, cutting-edge research, essential theories, and real-world application.

    The Third Edition builds on its strong student-oriented pedagogical program, streamlines content, and includes recent studies, pop culture references, and coverage of neuroscience to support student learning and engagement. Students will enjoy reading the text because of its relevance in helping them live long and healthy lives.

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    List of Features
    About the Author
    CHAPTER 1. Introduction
    Understanding Health Psychology
    The History of Health Psychology
    The Development of Health Psychology
    The Broad Influence of Health Psychology
    Working in Health Psychology
    CHAPTER 2. Research Methods
    Understanding the Scientific Method
    Descriptive Research Methods
    Experimental Research Methods
    Epidemiological Research Methods
    Evaluating Research Methods
    Understanding Research Ethics
    CHAPTER 3. Theories of Health Behavior
    Continuum Theories of Health Behavior
    Learning Theories of Health Behavior
    Stage Models of Health Behavior Change
    Creating Health Behavior Change
    Personalized Health-Promotion Messages
    CHAPTER 4. Understanding Stress
    Sources of Stress
    Measuring Stress
    Models of the Stress Response
    Physical Consequences
    Additional Effects of Stress
    CHAPTER 5. Managing Stress
    The Impact of Coping Styles
    The Power of Social Support
    The Influence of Religion and Spirituality
    The Role of Personality
    Strategies for Reducing Stress
    CHAPTER 6. Injury and Injury Prevention
    Understanding Injury
    Risk of Injury Across the Lifespan
    Understanding Unintentional Injury
    Understanding Intentional Injury
    Strategies for Preventing Injuries
    CHAPTER 7. Substance Use and Abuse
    Understanding Smoking
    Factors Contributing to Smoking
    Understanding Alcohol Use and Abuse
    Explanations for Alcohol Abuse
    Understanding Drug Use
    Strategies for Reducing Substance Abuse
    CHAPTER 8. Obesity and Disordered Eating
    Understanding Obesity
    Psychosocial Factors Contributing to Obesity
    Reducing Obesity
    Understanding Disordered Eating
    Psychosocial Factors Contributing to Disordered Eating
    Reducing Disordered Eating
    CHAPTER 9. Understanding and Managing Pain
    Understanding Pain
    The Impact of Psychosocial Factors on Pain
    Physical Methods of Managing Pain
    Psychological Methods of Managing Pain
    The Impact of Placebos on Pain
    CHAPTER 10. Understanding and Managing Chronic Illness
    Understanding Chronic Diseases
    Common Types of Chronic Disease
    Consequences of Chronic Disease
    Factors Influencing Reactions to Chronic Disease
    Strategies for Managing a Chronic Illness
    CHAPTER 11. Leading Causes of Mortality: Coronary Heart Disease and Cancer
    Coronary Heart Disease
    Psychosocial Factors Contributing to Coronary Heart Disease
    Strategies for Reducing the Risk of Recurring Heart Attacks
    Psychosocial Factors Influencing the Development of Cancer
    Factors Influencing Coping With Cancer
    CHAPTER 12. Terminal Illness and Bereavement
    Early Models of Death and Dying
    Managing a Terminal Diagnosis
    The Death With Dignity Movement
    Understanding Bereavement
    Coping With Bereavement
    CHAPTER 13. Managing Health Care
    Health Screening
    Health Care Utilization
    The Experience of Hospitalization
    Health Care Interactions
    CHAPTER 14. Conclusions and Future Directions
    Preventing Health Problems
    Reducing Health Care Costs
    Understanding the Impact of Demographic Factors on Health
    Improving International Health
    Making Ethical Medical Decisions
    In Conclusion
    Author Index
    Subject Index 

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