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  • Understanding Sport Organizations: Applications for Sport Managers
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Understanding Sport Organizations: Applications for Sport Managers > Dong-A uni.

Understanding Sport Organizations: Applications for Sport Managers 요약정보 및 구매

동아대 체육학과 교재

저자 : Trevor Slack, Terri Byers, Alex Thurston

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 137,000원
판매가격 110,000원
출판사 Human Kinetics
발행일March 16, 2020
ISBN 9781492500803
페이지536 pages
언어 ENG
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Understanding Sport Organizations: Applications for Sport Managers
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    상품 상세설명

    The classic groundbreaking text for understanding organizational theory in the sport industry is back in an extensively revised new edition. With an added emphasis on organizational behavior and practical applications of the theory, Understanding Sport Organizations: Applications for Sport Managers, Third Edition, provides a logical progression to understanding the many components of and processes in sport organizations. Readers will gain a strong theoretical foundation while learning how it applies within the context of the ever-changing field of sport management.

    In this third edition, new chapters incorporate critical concepts that sport managers in the current era must be familiar with:

    • Different policy types and the responses of sport organizations to policy
    • Perspectives of marketing of sport and marketing through sport
    • Control in sport organizations
    • Sex and gender in sport organizations
    • Volunteer management in sport
    • Dimensions and assessment of governance in sport organizations
    • Mental health difficulties and management strategies within sport environments
    • Applying statistical analysis to support analytic decision making in sport
    • Corporate social responsibility
    • Procurement and sport organizations

    To facilitate comprehension and application, each chapter opens with a list of key concepts and a real-world, contemporary scenario to demonstrate the relevance of theory and behavior in the sport industry. Time Out sidebars offer accounts from actual sport organization situations or from research findings to further illustrate issues being discussed. Chapter summaries and review questions are provided to stimulate discussion about the central issues from each chapter. Key Issues for Sport Managers boxes highlight how chapter content is applied at the level of sport manager, and closing Case for Analysis examples allow readers to directly apply information from each chapter. 

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선택된 옵션

  • Understanding Sport Organizations: Applications for Sport Managers
