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Criminal Evidence > 외국도서

Criminal Evidence 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Matthew Lippman

시중가격 65,000원
판매가격 62,000원
출판사 SAGE Publications Inc
발행일4 Jun 2015
ISBN 9781483359557
페이지496 pages
크기 258 x 205 x 34 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 US
무게 1000g
원산지 US
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    A concise and comprehensive introduction to the law of evidence, Criminal Evidence takes an active learning approach to help readers apply evidence law to real-life cases. Bestselling author Matthew Lippman, a professor of criminal law and criminal procedure for over 25 years, creates an engaging and accessible experience for students from a public policy perspective through a multitude of contemporary examples and factual case scenarios that illustrate the application of the law of evidence. Highlighting the theme of a balancing of interests in the law of evidence, readers are asked to apply a more critical examination of the use of evidence in the judicial system.

    The structure of the criminal justice system and coverage of the criminal investigative process is also introduced to readers. 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    CHAPTER 1: Introduction
    Burden of Proof
    The Judge and the Jury
    The Development of the Law of Evidence
    The United States Constitution
    The United States Supreme Court
    Federal District Courts and Courts of Appeal
    State Constitutions and State Courts
    State Judicial Systems
    The Development of Due Process
    The Fourteenth Amendment
    Fundamental Fairness
    Total Incorporation
    Selective Incorporation
    Rules of Evidence
    Do We Need Rules of Evidence
    CHAPTER 2: The Criminal Justice Process
    The Criminal Complaint
    First Appearance
    Preliminary Hearing
    Grand Jury
    Suppression Hearings And Pretrial Motions
    Plea Bargaining
    Jury Selection
    The Trial
    The Judicial Sentencing Process
    Sentencing Guidelines and the Rule of the Jury in Sentencing
    Criminal Appeals
    Habeas Corpus
    CHAPTER 3: Types of Evidence
    Exclusion of Relevant Evidence Based on Prejudice and Other Concerns
    Direct and Circumstantial Evidence
    Testimonial and Real Evidence
    Substitutes for Evidence
    Judicial Notice
    Presumptions and Criminal Law
    CHAPTER 4: Direct and Circumstancial Evidence
    Jury Decision-Making
    Circumstantial Evidence of Ability to Commit the Crime
    Circumstantial Evidence of an Inference of Consciousness of Guilt and of Guilt
    Circumstantial Evidence That an Individual Is the Victim of Rape
    Character Evidence
    Other Acts Evidence
    Other Acts Evidence and Circumstantial Evidence of Identification
    Other Acts Evidence and Circumstantial Evidence of Intent
    CHAPTER 5: Witnesses
    Competency Hearings
    Child Testimony
    Judges as Witnesses
    Jurors as Witnesses
    Spousal Competence
    Mental Incapacity
    Prior Felony Convictions
    Crimes Involving a Dishonest Act or False Statement
    Character for Truthfulness
    Uncharged Crimes and Immoral Acts
    Prior Inconsistent Statements
    Specific Contradiction
    Physical and Psychological Incapacity
    Recorded Recollection
    CHAPTER 6: Witnesses: The Opinion Rule and Expert Testimony
    Unavailable Witnesses
    Opinion Rule
    Lay Witnesses
    Expert Testimony
    Qualifying an Expert Witness
    Testimony on Ultimate Issues
    Scope of Expert Testimony
    Court-Appointed Experts
    Case Analysis
    CHAPTER 7: Crime Scene Evidence and Experiments
    Crime Scene Evidence
    Chain of Custody
    Scientific Evidence
    Laying the Foundation for Scientific Evidence
    Right to Defense Experts
    Judicially Accepted Scientific Tests
    Other Judicially Recognized Tests
    Tests Not Accepted by the Courts
    CHAPTER 8: Documentary Evidence, Models, Maps, and Diagrams
    Authentication of Documents
    Methods of Authenticating Documents
    Self-Authenticating Documents
    Visual Images
    Authentication of Objects
    Authentication of Voice Communication
    The Best Evidence Rule
    Application of the Best Evidence Rule
    Models, Maps, Diagrams, and Charts
    In-Court Exhibitions
    CHAPTER 9: Hearsay
    The Development of the Rule Against Hearsay
    The Definition of Hearsay
    The Reasons for the Hearsay Rule
    Hearsay Objections
    The Sixth Amendment and Hearsay
    Exceptions to the Hearsay Rule
    Admission and Confessions
    Prior Statements
    Hearsay Exceptions When Declarant Is Not Required to Be Available
    Present Sense Impression
    Excited Utterance
    Then-Existing Mental, Emotional, or Physical Condition
    Medical Treatment-Diagnosis
    Business Records
    Absence of Business Records
    Public Records
    Vital Statistics
    Unavailability of Declarant
    Former Testimony
    Statement Under Belief of Impending Death
    Declaration Against Interest
    Statement of Personal or Family History
    Statement Offered Against a Party That Wrongfully Caused the Declarant's Unavailability
    Residual Exception
    Hearsay Within Hearsay
    CHAPTER 10: Privileges
    Attorney-Client Privilege
    Clergy-Penitent Privilege
    Physician-Patient Privilege
    Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege
    Husband-Wife Privilege
    Government Privileges
    News Media Privilege
    CHAPTER 11: The Exclusionary Rule
    The Exclusionary Rule
    Debating the Exclusionary Rule
    Invoking the Exclusionary Rule
    Exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule
    CHAPTER 12: Searches and Seizure and Privacy
    The Historical Background of the Fourth Amendment
    Informants and Electronic Eavesdropping
    Plain View
    Expectation of Privacy
    Open Fields
    Curtilage and Aerial Surveillance
    Technology and Searches and Seizures
    Public Places and Private Businesses
    Abandoned Property
    Seizures of Persons
    CHAPTER 13: Stop and Frisk
    Reasonable Suspicion
    Informants and Hearsay
    Drug Courier Profiles
    Race and Reasonable Suspicion
    The Scope and Duration of Terry Stops
    Stop-and-Identify Statutes
    CHAPTER 14: Probable Cause and Arrests
    Probable Cause
    Reasonableness and Arrests
    Probable Cause, Warrants, and the Courts
    Arrests and Warrants
    CHAPTER 15: Searches and Seizures of Property
    Search Warrants
    Warrantless Searches
    Consent Searches
    Probable Cause Searches of Motor Vehicles
    Other Warrantless Searches
    CHAPTER 16: Interrogations and Confessions
    Due Process
    The Right Against Self-Incrimination
    Miranda v. Arizona
    Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel: Police Interrogations
    CHAPTER 17: Eyewitness Identification
    The Psychology of Identifications
    The Sixth Amendment and Eyewitness Identifications
    The Sixth Amendment and Critical Stages Of Criminal Prosecution
    The Sixth Amendment and Prearraignment Identifications
    The Sixth Amendment and Photographic Displays
    The Due Process Test
    Suggestiveness, Reliability and the Totality of Cricumstances
    The Requirement of Police Involvement 

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