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Introduction to International and Global Studies  > GLOA 101

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  • Introduction to International and Global Studies 
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Introduction to International and Global Studies  > GLOA 101

Introduction to International and Global Studies  요약정보 및 구매

Textbook for Course No. GLOA 101

저자 : Shawn C. Smallman, Kimberley Brown

시중가격 58,000원
판매가격 55,000원
출판사 The University of North Carolina Press
발행일24 Aug 2020
ISBN 9781469659992
페이지376 pages
크기 235 x 155 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United States
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Shawn C. Smallman and Kimberley Brown's popular introductory textbook for undergraduates in international and global studies is now released in a substantially revised and updated third edition. Encompassing the latest scholarship in what has become a markedly interdisciplinary endeavor and an increasingly chosen undergraduate major, the book introduces key concepts, themes, and issues and then examines each in lively chapters on essential topics, including the history of globalization; economic, political, and cultural globalization; security, energy, and development; health; agriculture and food; and the environment.

    Within these topics the authors explore such diverse and pressing subjects as commodity chains, labor (including present-day slavery), pandemics, human rights, and multinational corporations and the connections among them. This textbook, used successfully in both traditional and online courses, provides the newest and most crucial information needed for understanding our rapidly changing world. New to this edition:Close to 50% new materialNew illustrations, maps, and tablesNew and expanded emphases on political and economic globalization and populism; health; climate change, and developmentExtensively revised exercises and activitiesNew resume-writing exercise in careers chapterThoroughly revised online teacher's manual 

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