Part 1: Basics of Financial Decisions
Chapter 1: Engineering Economic Decisions
Chapter 2: Accounting and Financial Decision Making
Chapter 3: Interest Rate and Economic Equivalence
Chapter 4: Understanding Money and Its Management
Part 2: Evaluation of Business and Engineering Assets
Chapter 5: Present-Worth Analysis
Chapter 6: Annual Equivalent-Worth Analysis
Chapter 7: Rate-of-Return Analysis
Part 3: Analysis of Project Cash Flows
Chapter 8: Cost Concepts Relevant to Decision Making
Chapter 9: Depreciation and Corporate Taxes
Chapter 10: Developing Project Cash Flows
Part 4: Handling Risk and Uncertainty
Chapter 11: Inflation and Its Impact on Project Cash
Chapter 12: Project Risk and Uncertainty
Chapter 13: Real-Options Analysis
Part 5: Special Topics in Engineering Economics
Chapter 14: Replacement Decisions
Chapter 15: Capital-Budgeting Decisions
Chapter 16: Economic Analysis in the Service Sector
Appendix A: Fundamentals of Engineering Review Questions
Appendix B: Interest Factors for Discrete Compounding
Appendix C: Values of the Standard Normal Distribution Function