Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Design Process
Chapter 3: Materials
Chapter 4: Flexure: Behavior and Normal Strength of Beam Sections
Chapter 5: Flexural Design of Beam Sections
Chapter 6: Shear in Beams
Chapter 7: Torsion
Chapter 8: Development, Anchorage, and Splicing of Reinforcement
Chapter 9: Serviceability
Chapter 10: Continuous Beams and One-Way Slabs
Chapter 11: Columns: Combined Axial Load and Bending
Chapter 12: Slender Columns
Chapter 13: Two-Way Slabs: Behavior, Analysis, and Design
Chapter 14: Two Way Slabs: Elastic and Yield-Line Analyses
Chapter 15: Footings
Chapter 16: Shear Friction, Horizontal Shear Transfer, and Composite Concrete Beams
Chapter 17: Discontinuity Regions and Strut-and-Tie Models
Chapter 18: Walls and Shear Walls
Chapter 19: Design for Earthquake Resistance