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  • Loose Leaf for Biology
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Loose Leaf for Biology > 청문각 도서

Loose Leaf for Biology 요약정보 및 구매

Loose Leaf for Biology

저자 : Raven

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 52,000원
판매가격 50,400원
출판사 McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN 9781260494709
크기 0 x 0
언어 ENG
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Loose Leaf for Biology
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    The Raven & Johnson's Biology author team is committed to continually improving the text, keeping the student and learning foremost. The integrated pedagogical features expand the students' learning process and enhance their learning experience. This latest edition of the text maintains the clear, accessible, and engaging writing style of past editions with the solid framework of pedagogy that highlights an emphasis on evolution and scientific inquiry that have made this a leading textbook for students majoring in biology. This emphasis on the organizing power of evolution is combined with an integration of the importance of cellular, molecular biology and genomics to offer our readers a text that is student friendly and current.

    Part I The Molecular Basis of Life
    1 The Science of Biology
    2 The Nature of Molecules and the Properties of Water
    3 The Chemical Building Blocks of Life
    Part II Biology of the Cell
    4 Cell Structure
    5 Membranes
    6 Energy and Metabolism
    7 How Cells Harvest Energy
    8 Photosynthesis
    9 Cell Communication
    10 How Cells Divide
    Part III Genetic and Molecular Biology
    11 Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis
    12 Patterns of Inheritance
    13 Chromosomes, Mapping and the Meiosis--Inheritance Connection
    14 DNA: The Genetic Material
    15 Genes and How They Work
    16 Control of Gene Expression
    17 Biotechnology
    18 Genomics
    19 Cellular Mechanisms of Development
    Part IV Evolution
    20 Genes Within Populations
    21 The Evidence for Evolution
    22 The Origin of Species
    23 Systematics, Phylogenetics, and Comparative Biology
    24 Genome Evolution
    Part V Diversity of Life on Earth
    25 Origin and Diversity of Life
    26 Viruses
    27 Prokaryotes
    28 Protists
    29 Seedless Plants
    30 Seed Plants
    31 Fungi
    32 Animal Diversity & the Evolution of Body Plans
    33 Protostomes
    34 Deuterostomes
    Part VI Plant Form and Function
    35 Plant Form
    36 Transport in Plants
    37 Plant Nutrition and Soils
    38 Plant Defense Responses
    39 Sensory Systems in Plants
    40 Plant Reproduction
    Part VII Animal Form and Function
    41 The Animal Body and Principles of Regulation
    42 The Nervous System
    43 Sensory Systems
    44 The Endocrine System
    45 The Musculoskeletal System
    46 The Digestive System
    47 The Respiratory System
    48 The Circulatory System
    49 Osmotic Regulation and the Urinary System
    50 The Immune System
    51 The Reproductive Systems
    52 Animal Development
    Part VIII Ecology and Behavior
    53 Behavioral Biology
    54 Ecology of Individuals and Populations
    55 Community Ecology
    56 Dynamics of Ecosystems
    57 The Biosphere and Human Impacts
    58 Conservation Biology 

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  • Loose Leaf for Biology
