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  • Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals
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Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals > 외국도서

Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : KE Drummond (Author)

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 69,000원
판매가격 65,500원
출판사 Wiley
발행일14 Feb 2022
ISBN 9781119777199
페이지Hardback 416 pages
크기 221 x 283 x 24 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United States
무게 1050g
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Combine the insights of an experienced dietitian and a renowned chef in this practical guide to nutrition and food In the newly revised 10th Edition of Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals, registered nutritionist Karen E. Drummond and executive chef Lisa M. Brefere deliver an insightful guide to incorporating healthy, balanced dietary techniques into everyday practice.

    From national nutrition guidelines to food preparation and labeling standards, the authors cover every relevant aspect of planning, preparing, and serving healthy meals. They include updated 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans from the USDA, the latest nutrition research, culinary trends, ingredients, and planning menus to meet the diverse nutritional needs of today's customers. This book also includes: A thorough introduction to the fundamentals of nutrition and foods, including why nutrition is important, what constitutes a healthy diet, and discussions of calories and nutrientsA comprehensive exploration of balanced cooking and menus, including how to build flavor, balanced baking, modifying recipes, and gluten-free bakingPractical discussions of applied nutrition, including how to handle customers' special nutrition requests, weight management, and nutrition for people of all agesSeveral appendices including serving sizes for MyPlate food groups and dietary reference intakesAn enhanced e-book with links to technique videos, interactive games, quizzes, and glossary entries Perfect for students completing a culinary arts or foodservice management curriculum, Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals, Tenth Edition is also an indispensable resource for chefs, cooks, and anyone else who professionally prepares food. 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Preface vii

    Acknowledgments x

    I Fundamentals of Nutrition and Foods

    1 Introduction to Nutrition 1

    Introduction 1

    Why Is Nutrition Important and What Is a Healthy Diet? 2

    Nutrition and Food Terms to Know 4

    Why Do You Eat the Foods You Do? 8

    Kcalories and Nutrients 14

    What Happens When You Eat? 20

    Sustainable Food Systems 23

    Finding Reliable Nutrition and Health Information 28

    2 Using Food Guides, Dietary 33

    Recommendations, and Nutrition Labels to Plan Menus 33

    Introduction 33

    MyPlate 36

    2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans 47

    Nutrition Labels on Packaged Goods and Restaurant Menus 50

    Planning Menus Using MyPlate and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 57

    3 Carbohydrates 60

    Introduction 60

    Sugars 61

    Starches and Fibers 67

    Whole Grains 71

    Carbohydrates in the Body and Choosing Healthy Carbohydrates 75

    Culinary Focus: Whole Grains and Legumes 77

    4 Fat 86

    Introduction 86

    Fats in Foods 87

    Fatty Acids 90

    Essential Fatty Acids, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Cholesterol 95

    Fats in the Body 99

    Dietary Recommendations 100

    Culinary Focus: Dairy and Eggs 103

    5 Protein 110

    Introduction 110

    Protein in Food 111

    Protein in the Body 114

    Vegetarian Eating 116

    Dietary Recommendations for Protein 122

    Plant-Forward Cooking 125

    Culinary Focus: Meat, Poultry, and Fish 127

    6 Vitamins 135

    Introduction 135

    Basics of Vitamins 136

    Fat-Soluble Vitamins 137

    Water-Soluble Vitamins 143

    Dietary Supplements 150

    Culinary Focus: Fruits and Vegetables 153

    7 Water and Minerals 164

    Introduction 164

    Water 165

    Beverages and Caffeine 167

    Basics of Minerals 175

    Calcium and Phosphorus 176

    Sodium 179

    Potassium 184

    Magnesium 185

    Iron 187

    Zinc and Iodine 189

    Culinary Focus: Nuts and Seeds 191

    II Balanced Cooking and Menus

    8 Building Flavor and Balanced Baking 198

    Introduction 198

    Ingredients 199

    Preparation Techniques 215

    Cooking Methods 218

    Putting It All Together 225

    Balanced Baking 227

    9 Recipe Makeovers 234

    Introduction 234

    Basics for Modifying Recipes 235

    Appetizers and Entrées 237

    Sauces and Dressings 246

    Desserts 250

    Gluten-Free Baking 252

    10 Balanced Menus 258

    Introduction 258

    Balanced Menu Basics 259

    Appetizers, Soups, and Salads 262

    Entrées, Sauces, and Side Dishes 271

    Desserts, Breakfast, and Breaks 279

    Presentation 287

    III Applied Nutrition

    11 Handling Customers' Special Nutrition Requests 293

    Introduction 293

    Low-Kcalorie Requests 294

    Low-Saturated Fat Requests 296

    Low-Sugar Requests 298

    Low-Sodium Requests 300

    How to Respond to Food Allergies 304

    Vegetarian Requests 310

    Gluten Free 312

    Low-Lactose Requests 316

    12 Weight Management 320

    Introduction 320

    Basics of Weight Management 321

    How to Lose Weight 324

    Weight-Loss Myths 336

    13 Nutrition for All Ages 340

    Introduction 340

    Nutrition and Menu Planning for Children 341

    Nutrition and Menu Planning for Adolescents 348

    Fighting Childhood Obesity 350

    Nutrition and Menu Planning for Older Adults 358

    Eating Disorders 363

    Nutrition and Menu Planning for the Athlete 366

    Appendix A Serving Sizes for MyPlate Food Groups A-1

    Appendix B Dietary Reference Intakes A-6

    Appendix C Answers to Odd-Numbered Questions in Check-Out Quizzes A-11

    Glossary G-1

    Index I-1

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  • Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals
