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eText_Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance > 강원대

eText_Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance 요약정보 및 구매

Textbook for KangWon Uni.

저자 : Emmett J. Vaughan, Therese M. Vaughan

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 49,000원
판매가격 49,000원
출판사 John Wiley & Sons Inc
발행일11 Feb 2014
ISBN 9781118805589
페이지686 Pages
언어 ENG
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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    상품 상세설명


    Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance, 11th Edition presents a thorough and comprehensive introduction to the field of insurance while emphasizing the consumer. It summarizes the nature of pure risk on the individual and on society, and illustrates the way in which insurance can be used to deal with the problems posed by such risk. 

    The 11th edition first examines the concept of risk, the nature of the insurance device, and the principles of risk management. It then discusses the traditional fields of life and health insurance as solutions to the risks connected with the loss of income. The final section deals with the risks associated with the ownership of property and legal liability. 

    상품 정보 고시

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    Chapter 1 The problem of risk 1

    Chapter 2 Introduction to Risk Management 12

    Chapter 3 The Insurance Device 34

    Chapter 4 Risk Management Applications 54

    Chapter 5 The Private Insurance Industry 71

    Chapter 6 Regulation of the Insurance Industry 95

    Chapter 7 Functions of Insurers 128

    Chapter 8 Financial Aspects of Insurer Operations 144

    Chapter 9 The Legal Framework 163

    Chapter 10 Managing Personal Risks 181

    Chapter 11 Social Insurance Programs 204

    Chapter 12 Introduction to Life Insurance 224

    Chapter 13 The Actuarial Basis of Life Insurance 240

    Chapter 14 The Life Insurance Contract—General Provisions 253

    Chapter 15 The Life Insurance Contract—Other Provisions 264

    Chapter 16 Special Life Insurance Forms 279

    Chapter 17 Buying Life Insurance 289

    Chapter 18 Annuities and Pension Benefits 307

    Chapter 19 Managing the Retirement Risk 333

    Chapter 20 Health Insurance: Disability Income Insurance 348

    Chapter 21 Health Insurance: Coverage for Medical Expenses 365

    Chapter 22 Health Insurance for the Elderly 388

    Chapter 23 Employee Benefits and Other Business Uses of Life and Health Insurance 412

    Chapter 24 The Homeowners Policy—General Provisions 432

    Chapter 25 The Homeowners Policy Forms 448

    Chapter 26 Other Personal Forms of Property Insurance 462

    Chapter 27 Negligence and Legal Liability 480

    Chapter 28 General Liability Insurance for the Individual 494

    Chapter 29 The Automobile and its Legal Environment 512

    Chapter 30 The Personal Auto Policy 529

    Chapter 31 Commercial Property Insurance 552

    Chapter 32 Commercial Liability Insurance 582

    Chapter 33 Surety Bonds, Trade Credit, and Financial Guaranty Insurance 609

    Chapter 34 Insurance in the Future (Online) 620

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