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The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 323 to 30bc: The Hellenistic World(Hardcover) > TextBook

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  • The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 323 to 30bc: The Hellenistic World(Hardcover)
    The Edinbu 178,880
The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 323 to 30bc: The Hellenistic World(Hardcover) > TextBook

The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 323 to 30bc: The Hellenistic World(Hardcover) 요약정보 및 구매

The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 323 to 30bc: The Hellenistic World

저자 :

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 208,000원
판매가격 178,880원
출판사 Edinburgh University Press
ISBN 9780748642038
크기 0 x 0
언어 ENG
국가 영국
무게 560g
원산지 영국
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 323 to 30bc: The Hellenistic World(Hardcover)
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    This book is about the history of the Greeks in the Hellenistic period, 323-30 BC, which was a dynamic and dramatic time in which the Mediterranean landscape was transformed by war, migration, urbanisation, by new religions and by the creation of new forms of literature. This richness was created by the interaction of cultures and ethnic groups that saw the centre of Greek culture shift eastward.

    This Hellenistic culture has often been portrayed as a time of the fusion or the isolation of the many cultures that were part of this new world created by Alexander and his army. Manning argues that more accurately this was a world of hybridisation, as seen in institutions of governance, in economic structures, in religion and art, and in many other areas as well. He adopts four main themes throughout the book to illustrate this: continuity, diversity, cultural interaction and ultimately unity.

    This is an innovative book that re-evaulate the history of the Hellenistic world.

    This book is about the history of the Greeks in the Hellenistic period, 323-30 BC, which was a dynamic and dramatic time in which the Mediterranean landscape was transformed by war, migration, urbanisation, by new religions and by the creation of new forms of literature. This richness was created by the interaction of cultures and ethnic groups that saw the centre of Greek culture shift eastward.

    This Hellenistic culture has often been portrayed as a time of the fusion or the isolation of the many cultures that were part of this new world created by Alexander and his army. Manning argues that more accurately this was a world of hybridisation, as seen in institutions of governance, in economic structures, in religion and art, and in many other areas as well. He adopts four main themes throughout the book to illustrate this: continuity, diversity, cultural interaction and ultimately unity.

    This is an innovative book that re-evaulate the history of the Hellenistic world.

    상품 정보 고시

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선택된 옵션

  • The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 323 to 30bc: The Hellenistic World(Hardcover)
