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Fundamentals of Astrodynamics: Seco : 2nd Edition > 과학/기술

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  • Fundamentals of Astrodynamics: Seco : 2nd Edition
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Fundamentals of Astrodynamics: Seco : 2nd Edition > 과학/기술

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics: Seco : 2nd Edition 요약정보 및 구매

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics: Seco : 2nd Edition

저자 : Roger Bate

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 31,000원
판매가격 29,500원
출판사 Dover Publications Inc.
발행일29 Feb 2020
ISBN 9780486497044
페이지496 pages
크기 230 x 215 x 23 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United States
무게 522g
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Fundamentals of Astrodynamics: Seco : 2nd Edition
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    "Developed at the U.S. Air Force Academy, this teaching text is widely known and used throughout the astrodynamics and aerospace engineering communities. Completely revised and updated, this second edition takes into account new developments of the past four decades, especially regarding information technology. Central emphasis is placed on the use of the universal variable formulation, although classical methods are also discussed. The development of the basic two-body and n-body equations of motion serves as a foundation for all that follows. Subsequent topics include orbit determination and the classical orbital elements, coordinate transformations, and differential correction. The Kepler and Gauss problems are treated in detail, and two-body mechanics are applied to the ballistic missile problem. Perturbations, integration schemes and error, and analytic formulations of several common perturbations are introduced. Example problems and exercises appear throughout the text, along with photographs, diagrams, and drawings. Four helpful appendixes conclude the book

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Table of Contents:
    About the Authors
    Chapter 1 Two-Body Orbital Mechanics
    1.1 Historical Background and Basic Laws
    1.2 Basic Laws 1
    1.3 The N-Body Problem
    1.4 The Two-Body Problem
    1.5 Constants of Motion
    1.6 The Trajectory Equation
    1.7 Relating E and h to the Geometry of an Orbit
    1.8 The Elliptical Orbit
    1.9 The Circular Orbit
    1.10 The Parabolic Orbit
    1.11 The Hyperbolic Orbit
    1.12 Canonical Units
    Chapter 2 Orbit Determination from Observations
    2.1 Historical Background
    2.2 Coordinate Systems
    2.3 Classical Orbital Elements
    2.4 Determining the Orbital Elements from r and v
    2.5 Determining r and v from the Orbital Elements
    2.6 Coordinate Transformations
    2.7 Orbit Determination from a SingularRadar Observation
    2.8 SEZ to IJK Transformation Using an Ellipsoid Earth Model
    2.9 The Measurement of Time
    2.10 Orbit Determination from Three Position Vectors
    2.11 Orbit Determination from Optical Sightings
    2.12 Improving a Preliminary Orbit by Differential Correct
    2.13 Space Surveillance
    2.14 Ground Track of a Satellite
    Chapter 3 Basic Orbital Maneuvers
    3.1 Historical Background
    3.2 Low-Altitude Earth Orbits
    3.3 High-Altitude Earth Orbits
    3.4 In-Plane Orbit Changes
    3.5 Out-of-Plane Orbit Changes
    Chapter 4 Position and Velocity as a Function of Time
    4.1 Historical Background
    4.2 Time-of-Flight as a Function of
    Eccentric Anomaly
    4.3 A Universal Formulation for Time-of-Flight
    4.4 The Prediction Problem
    4.5 Implementing the Universal Variable Formulation
    4.6 Classical Formulations of the Kepler Problem
    Chapter 5 Orbit Determination from Two Positions and Time
    5.1 Historical Background
    5.2 The Gauss Problem--General Methods of Solution
    5.3 Solutions of the Gauss Problem via Universal Variables
    5.4 The p-Iteration Method
    5.5 The Gauss Problem Using the f and g Series
    5.6 The Original Gauss Method
    5.7 Practical Applications of the Gauss Problem--Intercept and Rendezvous
    5.8 Determination of Orbit from
    Sighting Directions at Station
    Chapter 6 Ballistic Missile Trajectories
    6.1 Historical Background
    6.2 The General Ballistic Missile Problem
    6.3 Effect of Launching Errors on Range
    6.4 The Effect of Earth Rotation
    Chapter 7 Lunar Trajectories
    7.1 Historical Background
    7.2 The Earth-Moon System
    7.3 Simple Earth-Moon Trajectories
    7.4 The Patched-Conic Approximation
    7.5 Noncoplanar Lunar Trajectories
    Chapter 8 Interplanetary Trajectories
    8.1 Historical Background
    8.2 The Solar System
    8.3 The Patched-Conic Approximation
    8.4 Noncoplanar Interplanetary Trajectories
    8.5 Planetary Flybys
    Chapter 9 Perturbations
    9.1 Historical Background
    9.2 Cowell's Method
    9.3 Encke's Method
    9.4 Variation of Parameters or Elements
    9.5 Comments on Integration Schemes and Errors
    9.6 Numerical Integration Methods
    9.7 Analytic Formulations of Perturbative Accelerations
    Chapter 10 Special Topics
    10.1 Historical Background
    10.2 General Perturbation Models
    10.3 NORAD Propagators and Two-Line Element Sets
    10.4 Relative Motion of Satellites
    Appendix A Astrodynamic Constants
    Appendix B Vector Review
    B.1 Definitions
    B.2 Vector Operations
    B.3 Velocity
    Appendix C Gauss Problem
    Appendix D Proposed Three-Line Element Set

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선택된 옵션

  • Fundamentals of Astrodynamics: Seco : 2nd Edition
