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  • New Korean Wave: Transnational Cultural Power in the Age of Social Media
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New Korean Wave: Transnational Cultural Power in the Age of Social Media > Han-Yang Uni.

New Korean Wave: Transnational Cultural Power in the Age of Social Media 요약정보 및 구매

New Korean Wave: Transnational Cultural Power in the Age of Social Media

저자 : Dal Yong Jin

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 32,000원
판매가격 30,000원
출판사 University of Illinois Press
ISBN 9780252081477
크기 226.06 x 152.4
언어 ENG
국가 United States
무게 36287
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • New Korean Wave: Transnational Cultural Power in the Age of Social Media
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    The 2012 smash "Gangnam Style" by the Seoul-based rapper Psy capped the triumph of Hallyu, the Korean Wave of music, film, and other cultural forms that have become a worldwide sensation. Dal Yong Jin analyzes the social and technological trends that transformed South Korean entertainment from a mostly regional interest aimed at families into a global powerhouse geared toward tech-crazy youth. Blending analysis with insights from fans and industry insiders, Jin shows how Hallyu exploited a media landscape and dramatically changed with the 2008 emergence of smartphones and social media, designating this new Korean Wave as Hallyu 2.0. Hands-on government support, meanwhile, focused on creative industries as a significant part of the economy and turned intellectual property rights into a significant revenue source. Jin also delves into less-studied forms like animation and online games, the significance of social meaning in the development of local Korean popular culture, and the political economy of Korean popular culture and digital technologies in a global context.

    The 2012 smash "Gangnam Style" by the Seoul-based rapper Psy capped the triumph of Hallyu , the Korean Wave of music, film, and other cultural forms that have become a worldwide sensation. Dal Yong Jin analyzes the social and technological trends that transformed South Korean entertainment from a mostly regional interest aimed at families into a global powerhouse geared toward tech-crazy youth. Blending analysis with insights from fans and industry insiders, Jin shows how Hallyu exploited a media landscape and dramatically changed with the 2008 emergence of smartphones and social media, designating this new Korean Wave as Hallyu 2.0.

    Hands-on government support, meanwhile, focused on creative industries as a significant part of the economy and turned intellectual property rights into a significant revenue source. Jin also delves into less-studied forms like animation and online games, the significance of social meaning in the development of local Korean popular culture, and the political economy of Korean popular culture and digital technologies in a global context.

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선택된 옵션

  • New Korean Wave: Transnational Cultural Power in the Age of Social Media
