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  • Managing Hospitality Organizations : Achieving Excellence in the Guest Experience
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Managing Hospitality Organizations : Achieving Excellence in the Guest Experience > 외국도서

Managing Hospitality Organizations : Achieving Excellence in the Guest Experience 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Robert C. Ford

시중가격 59,000원
판매가격 56,000원
출판사 SAGE Publications Inc
발행일29 Jan 2019
ISBN 9781544321509
페이지576 pages
크기 255 x 205 x 20 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United States
무게 1222g
원산지 United States
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Prepares students for a future career in hospitality management by outlining the key skills needed to become a successful manager in the service industry, with a particular emphasis on ensuring managers provide guests with a high-quality customer experience. The book breaks hospitality management down into core principles, with each chapter focusing on a specific factor, including strategy, staffing and systems. All of which are supported by practical advice, examples, and Wow! Boxes, which provide evidence of best practice in service-sector organizations, including Walt Disney, Southwest Airlines, and The Four Seasons.

    The new edition reflects the latest changes in the service industry and newer developments related to sustainability and technology. There is also an outline of the framework needed to motivate employees to provide exceptional service, and how to create a culture that consistently delivers a top quality customer experience. The book is supported by online resources for instructors and students, including: Test Bank, PowerPoint slides, an Instructor's Manual, Multimedia, Exercises and Assignments, Sample Syllabi, Flashcards, and Quizzes.

    Ideal reading for undergraduate students on Hospitality Management and Hotel Management courses. 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Table of Contents: 

    About the Authors
    1. The Basics of Wow! The Guest Knows Best
    Guestology: What is it?
    The Guest Experience
    Guest Expectations
    Quality, Value, and Cost Defined
    The Importance of Guestology
    Lessons Learned
    2. Meeting Guest Expectations through Planning
    Three Generic Strategies
    The Hospitality Planning Cycle
    Assessing the Environment
    Assessing the Organization Itself: The Internal Assessment
    Vision and Mission Statements
    Developing the Service Strategy
    Action Plans
    Involving Employees in Planning
    The Uncertain Future
    Lessons Learned
    3. Setting the Scene for the Guest Experience
    Creating "The Show"
    Why is the Environment Important?
    A Model: How the Service Environment Affects the Guest
    Lessons Learned
    4. Developing the Hospitality Culture: Everyone Serves!
    The Importance of Leaders
    The Importance of Culture
    Culture as a Competitive Advantage
    Beliefs, Values, and Norms
    Culture and the Environment
    Communicating the Culture
    Changing the Culture
    Lessons Learned
    5. Staffing for Service
    The Many Employees of the Hospitality Industry
    The First Step: Study the Job
    The Second Step: Recruit a Pool of Qualified Candidates
    The Third Step: Select the Best Candidate
    The Fourth Step: Hire the Best Applicant
    The Fifth Step: Make the New Hire Feel Welcome
    The Sixth Step: Turnover--Retaining the Best and Selecting People out of an Organization
    Lessons Learned
    6. Training and Developing Employees to Serve
    Employee Training
    Developing a Training Program
    Types of Training
    Training Methods
    Challenges and Pitfalls of Training
    Employee Development
    Lessons Learned
    7. Serving with a Smile: Motivating Exceptional Service
    Motivating Employees
    The Needs People Have
    The Rewards Managers can Provide
    Ways Rewards Can Motivate
    How Managers and Leaders Provide the Right Direction
    Lessons Learned
    8. Involving the Guest: The Co-Creation of Value
    The Guest Can Help!
    Strategies for Involving the Guest
    Determining Where Co-Production Makes Sense
    One Last Point: Firing the Guest
    Lessons Learned
    Section III. The Hospitality Service Delivery System
    9. Communicating for Service
    The Challenge of Managing Information
    Information and the Service Product
    Information and the Service Setting
    Information and the Delivery System
    Decision Support Systems
    The Hospitality Organization as an Information System
    Lessons Learned
    10. Planning the Service Delivery System
    Planning and Designing the Service Delivery System
    Developing the Service Delivery System
    Planning Techniques
    Targeting Specific Problem Areas in Service Delivery Systems
    Lessons Learned
    11. Waiting for Service
    Capacity and Psychology: Keys to Managing Lines
    Queuing Theory: Managing the Reality of the Wait
    Managing the Perception of the Wait
    Service Value and the Wait
    Lessons Learned
    12. Measuring and Managing Service Delivery
    Techniques and Methods for Assessing Service Quality
    Measuring Service Quality After the Experience
    Finding and Using the Technique that Fits
    Lessons Learned
    13. Fixing Service Failures
    Service Failures: Types, Where, and Why
    The Importance of Fixing Service Failures
    Dealing With Service Failures
    Recovering From Service Failure
    Lessons Learned
    14. Service Excellence: Leading the Way to Wow!
    The Three Ss: Strategy, Staffing, and Systems
    Hospitality and the Future
    Leading the Way Into the Future
    Leading and Managing
    It all Begins--and Ends--with the Guest
    Lessons Learned
    Additional Readings

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